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Posted by capristo, Sep 4, 2015 at 5:21 am

Thanks.. there was a mysterious blank post by no user.

Posted by capristo, Aug 31, 2015 at 11:57 am

^ That's a good example of the weirdness of Markdown. Even with the single line breaks enabled, you have to leave 2 line breaks after a quote, otherwise it assumes the text following the quote is part of the quote

Posted by capristo, Aug 31, 2015 at 11:44 am

Aleksanderus said:
So what the new thing does becouse i'm too lazy to read everything

It's the text formatting for posts. The bold, italic, etc. toolbar is a lot smaller now, and the text is formatted differently.

Bold in BBCode:


Bold in Markdown:

Posted by capristo, Aug 30, 2015 at 10:41 pm

My main concern is that Markdown won't work well for certain forum-related things like quotes and spoilers.

Lines that start with > are quotes, but it gets weird when trying to attribute that quote to a user and post.

Looks like Stackoverflow uses >! to signify a spoiler, I'll see if I can add that on.

Posted by capristo, Aug 30, 2015 at 6:33 pm

Also note that, unlike strict Markdown, single line breaks are allowed, and raw HTML is disabled

Posted by capristo, Aug 30, 2015 at 6:16 pm

Alright, I made the switch to Markdown

Old posts are still parsed as BBCode.
Additionally, if you quote a BBCode post, your post will also be in BBCode to avoid formatting issues. Eventually as old posts stop being quoted, everything will be in Markdown.

There are some CSS things I need to fix, e.g. quotes are huge:

Abraham Lincoln said:

Markdown also doesn't support a lot of the formatting that BBCode did:

  • underline
  • text alignment
  • text colors
  • font sizes (you can use h1-h6 headers, but nothing for smaller fonts, and again the CSS for headers is messed up)
  • videos and spoilers

I think we can do without underline and text alignment. I can probably hack the rest but wanted everyone to try out Markdown first and make sure we wanted to switch before wasting time on it.

So let's all give it a try for a couple weeks and see what everyone thinks.

Posted by capristo, Aug 24, 2015 at 9:54 pm
Yeah the big island lol. Also is it possible to enforce that there's a certain # of medium sized islands? Or are we ok with the other islands all potentially being tiny
Posted by capristo, Aug 24, 2015 at 9:58 am
Awesome! But where's the gif?
Posted by capristo, Aug 22, 2015 at 6:46 pm
Rotten food will eventually have flies start to buzz around it. Fewer at first and then more the worse it gets. It will slightly rot before any flies appear but is still safe to eat then.

For the stats that means that the base stat has either been increased or decreased artificially/temporarily for some reason. Without a screenshot or more info we couldn't tell you why though.
Posted by capristo, Aug 17, 2015 at 11:38 am
I love, love that last idea red_kangaroo.

I think being able to enter the wilderness would be awesome. Just a lot of wild creatures, like you said, very few items you can collect, but a good source of food, water, training your weapon skills, etc. And maybe some secret things to discover if you're lucky.

I also agree with everyone about multiple continents. The belt of levitation is guaranteed, yes, but I think most people who just play the game without visiting the forums or Wiki will have a hard time discovering it. So I think there should be one larger continent with Attnam and most of the worlds. Then a few smaller continents with various ways of getting there. Maybe the belt can only take you a few tiles over the ocean and if the continent is too far away it can't take you there and you have to use a portal or ship instead.