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Posted by 4zb4, Sep 11, 2014 at 6:38 pm
Attnam is located in a thick forest known as Pertturia, and is the capital of the Holy Empire of Perttuania.
The "continent" Attnam is located on is the Isle of Perttuera, and is the world's 324th largest sovereign state.
It's all snowy and cold in Attnam in-game because the game takes place in the middle of winter - see the freedom ending, where the player waits for the sea to thaw so he can catch a boat elsewhere.

Petrus became the high priest of Valpurus after slaying the previous high priest. This much is told to you by the game if you poke around enough.
What isn't told to you is that Petrus took advantage of the fact the previous high priest had expended his energy erecting the cathedral and walls of Attnam, and subsequently protecting it from wild beasts. Petrus attacked him while he was exhausted and easily won. After this he proceeded to proclaim himself the new high priest and supreme ruler of the empire, and went on to name everything after himself (he was previously known as Perttu)
Petrus has been ruling Attnam ever since, for several decades by the time the player begins his journey.

I think it's therefore possible - considering Attnam is so small and the state of Perttuania is not very big either - that although Valpurus is almost definitely the king of the gods and carries the world on his back, it just so happens that he has a presence in Attnam, and he might be referred to under different names by different nations. Plus, he's described as being "frequently absent" and most decisions are handed down to the high priest.
I'd find it very odd if he only favored a small valpurium mining town in the backwaters of the world.
Posted by 4zb4, Sep 11, 2014 at 2:17 am
Probably, I've never had the uh "pleasure" of seeing it in action though.
More entertaining is that he's got lines for healing the player, which probably will never happen outside of wizard mode or additions by us.
Posted by 4zb4, Sep 11, 2014 at 12:55 am
Pent wrote
First of all: HOLY SHIT.

Secondly, every single one of the things you just listed is incredibly awesome and interesting; can you link the code where they're located?

Smith needs hammer is on line 2745 of human.cpp
  if(!GetMainWielded() || !GetMainWielded()->CanBeUsedBySmith())
    ADD_MESSAGE("\"Sorry, I need an intact hammer to practise the art of smithing.\"");
CanBeUsedBySmith is a script attribute used in item.dat, which is only true on warhammers, hammers, thunder hammers, and the gorovits family hammer.

Kamikaze dwarf thing is on line 4761 of human.cpp
void veterankamikazedwarf::PostConstruct()
  ivantime Time;
  int Modifier = Time.Day - KAMIKAZE_INVISIBILITY_DAY_MIN;

     || (Modifier > 0
KAMIKAZE_INVISIBILITY_DAY_MIN/MAX are both defined in balance.h

Danger level not increasing naturally until day 5 and from thereon increasing a little by itself is part of balance.h and called on line 996 of game.cpp.
Same goes for attribute bonuses to normal monsters past day 10, it's also defined in balance.h and called on line 458 of game.cpp

Enner's things I'm not going to bother posting out here, but the relevant things are from line 58 onward of human.cpp
I'm currently working on wiki articles for AP and stamina, but I do have one written up on Eating and NP.

Same for Petrus, his section is very large in human.cpp, line 246 onward.

Singing kamikaze dwarves taking AP to sing are from line 5071 of human.cpp onward, with the AP cost being defined at line 5131.

chaostrom wrote
So far as I know, non-player creatures don't actually starve.
Don't they? Huh, I never noticed.
Monsters definitely do get hungry and eat or refuse to eat if too full though.
I guess it makes sense though since a lot of people outside of dungeons are just sitting there and waiting long enough would kill everyone in Attnam by starvation.
Posted by 4zb4, Sep 10, 2014 at 9:27 pm
Oh something else I missed.
Singing kamikaze dwarves actually take time to sing (1000 AP) - it's not a free action.
Posted by 4zb4, Sep 10, 2014 at 8:01 pm
IVAN's smiths cannot repair items without having a hammer wielded.
"Hammer" however extends not only to blacksmith's hammers, but also warhammers, the Gorovits family hammer, and thunder hammers.

After 30 in-game days veteran kamikaze dwarves have a chance to spawn with natural invisibility. After 50 days, all veteran kamikaze dwarves become invisible.

Danger level does not increase by itself for the first five days. After this it starts increasing gradually as each day passes.
After 10 days monsters begin getting boosts to their natural attributes.

The enner beast becomes tired by using its shouts (-1000 stamina).
In addition, shouting makes it hungry (-100 nutrition points - that's 1/10th of a kiwi) and the amount of time it takes (action points - think like Jagged Alliance or XCOM) is reduced by its biting skill.
So technically the enner beast could tire itself out, or starve itself to death.

Petrus has code for being able to cure poison, restore HP, and reattach limbs but I am not sure this ever shows itself in-game.
Posted by 4zb4, Sep 9, 2014 at 5:51 pm
On the topic of changing genders, I will again voice my opinion that forced transformations by hostile mages would be a fun idea. This is something that caught me out in Dark Souls 2 and was appropriately funny because it took me a while to realize what had happened.

With the addition of gimmicky gender-based things, actively chasing after hostile mages in the hope that they'll zap your genitals so you can e.g. get into the dungeon of misogyny would be fun and challenging. With appropriate tactics a smart player could take advantage of both male-only gimmicks and female-only gimmicks (and eunuch gimmicks?)

Smag's right though, the moment gender and gender change becomes a thing people start getting pissy. The best we can do is take a level-headed and sensible approach to it and not try to cater to the more zealous people who get angry if you so much as do anything.
Posted by 4zb4, Sep 9, 2014 at 5:24 pm
I think Smag was more saying that he doesn't like the idea of changing the already existing skimpy females to fit a more realistic or "covered-up" standard since it goes against the spirit of IVAN. E.g. mistresses should remain exactly as they are in appearance, since they are in fact BDSM monsters, servants of Nefas the goddess of greed and forbidden pleasures.
The current inadequately dressed women in the game all make sense in context, as smag said in the ideas thread.

What we can do in order to have our realistic female warriors is simply add some. There's no reason why we can't add some female guards or knights or something to satisfy our appropriately clothed/armored warrior women criteria while also keeping the old mistresses, priestess and slaves as they were. We can also easily make female variants of currently existing humanoids and individually tweak their stats if we so chose.

The only thing that does is that IF the PC's sex makes a difference, the player HAS to know. Pent, it is true that forcing or denying certain kind of behavior based on PC's sex is misogyny, it is also, in our culture and world and even more so in IVAN's, realism.
I agree that the PC should be able to easily tell if they're female and also that if it has any impact on the game world it should be known (or actually, unknown until the player stumbles upon it like most of the game's tricks and traps). Appearance wise that's what we're going for with the long hair sprites.
What I don't agree with is not denying some things based on the PC's gender simply because that'd be misogyny/misandry - so long as it's either played for humor or makes sense within context.
e.g. Our proposed female-only dungeon could make a lot of sense if it is guarded by, say, our proposed realistic female warriors who actively turn away males and block the entrance because they don't like men.

What would be bad sexism wise is denying basic gameplay elements based on gender (e.g. the smith refuses to fix armor if you're a woman, or charges more for his services). I'm all for making a few things that are denied to one gender or the other, but it shouldn't be the norm for all things, rather just a novel thing for a few situations - e.g. Pent's idea of unique dialog lines and Warheck's dungeons of misogyny.
Posted by 4zb4, Sep 9, 2014 at 3:53 am
Decided to make a topic since the shoutbox is becoming a bit crowded. I believe adding female players to the game as an option is well worth looking into.
Discuss anything related to female PCs and general gender related things here.

Currently, when armor is worn it covers up most defining features.
I've done a bit of research into how sprites work with respect to hair, so we can distinguish female characters from males when they're covered in armor: Hair renders below helmet sprites and above armor sprites, so long hair will show easily. The problems here are:

I like the idea of having female characters' hair grow longer instead of the beards males develop. I've been toying with a concept for WIS upgrades:

My only reservation here is that the male's wisest beard is pretty grand and impressive, and I'm not sure how to pull that off with the longer hair idea.

And here's how some longer hair looks with armor:

Here's some obscenely long hair but I think it looks a little ugly:

And if you're wondering how much room we have for messing with the head sprites? Well, we have the entire tile to work with:

If you feel like messing with the head sprites (including beards, helmets) for yourself, I've outlined which heads are used for the player in this crappy picture.
You'll be wanting to edit Humanoid.pcx with something like GIMP or photoshop or whatever can open it. Be very careful about saving it in exactly the same format as you opened it - for me on photoshop that meant editing the file directly, and thus limiting the amount of tools I could use. Photoshop's pcx format is NOT the same as the humanoid.pcx file, so I've been editing via copy/paste and pencil tool for changes and just hitting Save instead of Save As.
The file is also a little touchy about what colours are used, so be sure to only pick ones that are present on the file as it exists by using the eyedropper tool.
Posted by 4zb4, Sep 1, 2014 at 1:51 am
Pent wrote
That plant thing is pretty cool too; I wonder if any other monster types take bonus damage from certain weapons?

It doesn't seem like it, IsPlant is the only thing called in that damage check and there's room for it to check for any other tags if you so wanted.
I also checked the char.h file for anything interesting, it doesn't seem like there's anything relevant unfortunately.

Plenty of room to add weaknesses/strengths if we wanted to though!
Posted by 4zb4, Sep 1, 2014 at 12:45 am
Through working on filling out the wiki some more, I have discovered the following:
  • A monster tagged with "IsEnormous" blocks the player's line of sight as though it were a wall. Our first example of this is Huang Ming Pong the sumo wrestler.
  • Plants (monsters tagged with IsPlant - mushrooms, carnivorous plants) take 1.5x more damage from anything tagged with IsGoodWithPlants - i.e. scythes and sickles currently

Feel free to go look over my recent additions to the wiki in case I've made some mistakes somewhere (probably).