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Posted by 4zb4, Sep 25, 2014 at 7:40 pm
There were a few names proposed for IVAN including:
  • Omnia ex Machina (Everything from The Machine)
  • Mundi ex Machina (World from The Machine)
  • In Omnia Libera (Everything is free?)
  • Vita Libera (Free life)
  • Infensus (Hostile/Antagonistic)
  • Infensus Pasta ex Iecore Anserum ex Machina ("Hostile goose liver pâté from The Machine")
  • Infensus Mundus (Hostile world - should actually be "Mundus Infensus")
  • Ultimatum (Final - devs translated this as "Decision" or "Determination" (päätös))

Iter Vehemens ad Necem was a suggested title of course, but was intended to be kept as the game's subtitle if a different name was chosen.
The devs have also noted (in Finnish) that they had a little trouble translating Latin to Finnish for some of the names too.
Posted by 4zb4, Sep 23, 2014 at 9:33 pm
Pent's right, score only depends on the kills you got on the way, including those of your pets.

The code for the score calculation is confusing me, but it looks like you get points based on the monster's danger rating rather than the individual type of monster. Then again, each monster type is probably going to have its own danger rating to begin with.

Here's the relevant code anyway, in case anyone else who is more capable of thinking today than me can make more sense of it:
long game::GetScore()
  double Counter = 0;
  massacremap::const_iterator i;
  massacremap SumMap = PlayerMassacreMap;

  for(i = PetMassacreMap.begin(); i != PetMassacreMap.end(); ++i)
    killdata& KillData = SumMap[i->first];
    KillData.Amount += i->second.Amount;
    KillData.DangerSum += i->second.DangerSum;

  for(i = SumMap.begin(); i != SumMap.end(); ++i)
    character* Char = protocontainer<character>::GetProto(i->first.Type)->Spawn(i->first.Config);
    int SumOfAttributes = Char->GetSumOfAttributes();
    Counter += sqrt(i->second.DangerSum / DEFAULT_GENERATION_DANGER) * SumOfAttributes * SumOfAttributes;
    delete Char;

  return long(0.01 * Counter);

Looks like you could potentially get more points from say, a Kobold that managed to increase its danger rating by finding some really neat equipment compared to your regular balsa spear Kobold?
Posted by 4zb4, Sep 22, 2014 at 10:05 pm
Well well, Mola Mola.rtf is quite a good read, and practically outlines the quest for us if we wanted to implement it.

Also apparently you can actually die from starving to death in the sumo arena, which has its own special death message.
Posted by 4zb4, Sep 22, 2014 at 3:03 pm
Nocturne was out on July 1st 2005. The Mola Mola's portrait was added on the 22nd of July 2005.
Kahvi would've had plenty of time to finish the game and "be inspired" by Mara.

The idea for the Mola Mola is probably older than that but I imagine the team jumped at the idea of a giant dick tentacle monster.
Posted by 4zb4, Sep 22, 2014 at 2:04 am
Made a list on the wiki of all the monster ideas I could find in the IVAN docs (really just monster ideas.txt so far).

That brought to light that this thing:

Is called a Mola Mola, and is an original creation by the devs unlike a lot of the other ideas they had. blatantly not Mara (thanks Smag)
Posted by 4zb4, Sep 20, 2014 at 5:19 pm
Most of those CVS downloads would've be me this week.
Posted by 4zb4, Sep 20, 2014 at 8:34 am
Maybe if you had enough wands and a lot of luck. The majority of my experience with mages is getting zapped to death before I see them, or not having the means to attack them from afar.
Posted by 4zb4, Sep 19, 2014 at 8:18 am
I guess it's meant to discourage grinding the everloving hell out of your characters. Then again, in my experience that's mostly what Sherry and especially Ischaldirh are for, but they get locked to the level they spawn in unless they follow you up the stairs.

Alternatively it could be set in place for IVAN being a much longer game than it is currently. There's no shortage of ideas and grand plans sitting about in the source repository.
Posted by 4zb4, Sep 17, 2014 at 2:41 am
The "Disturbing the dead might not be wise" message seems warning enough, besides it's not severe enough a penalty to warrant a serious warning IMO. Let the players discover for themselves (or completely miss) that disturbing the coffins of the dead is a bad thing for a lawful person to do.

Also I'm not entirely sure since there's very little documentation on the matter, but I believe Khaz-zadm the zombie is meant to spawn in the catacombs since the changelog has him added directly after the coffin and other catacombs things. I think he was probably meant to spring out of the coffin (hence the warning) but I cannot be sure. It's obvious the catacombs aren't finished as-is anyway.
Posted by 4zb4, Sep 16, 2014 at 9:43 pm
Ah! Seems you're right.
Though perhaps opening the coffin should count as an evil deed considering the message directly before, and again if you remove things.