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Posted by 4zb4, Oct 10, 2014 at 3:57 am
Ernomouse wrote
Wizard mode, he said it himself.

I am a stupid.
Posted by 4zb4, Oct 10, 2014 at 12:32 am
chaostrom wrote
Plant big mine, break wand of teleport, wait for results. Once resulted in a headless, armless and legless tourist somehow alive and rolling.

Planting a mine would've made the populace hostile, no?
Also how would you have access to your inventory in the arena to begin with?
Posted by 4zb4, Oct 9, 2014 at 5:31 pm
OK! I am an idiot.

With regards to rigging the sumo arena, and the discovery that acid rain doesn't trigger hostility (so long as it doesn't land on a person), my new favourite way to rig the sumo arena (and also escape the glass room) is to blast it with a wand of acid rain, challenge the sumo and sit back and relax while Huang melts to death.

This also revealed something pretty cool that probably wouldn't happen in the course of a normal, non-exploity sumo match - you can be disqualified. I am not entirely sure what triggers it, since there was a lot going on (tourists melting into puddles, acid everywhere, tourists and Kaethos entering the arena themselves) but it doesn't trigger upon you simply exiting the bounds of the glass arena like I initially thought. It also crashed the game.
I think the DQ might have been triggered by one of the spectators dying, not sure. It doesn't DQ you for leaving the arena, or picking up a lantern and hitting Huang with it...

EDIT: Ah! Ok, you can get disqualified for attacking the spectators. This has revealed a HUGE bug though! If one of the crowd dies (i.e. because there's acid everywhere) you win the sumo fight. Even better, during my test the female tourist's head was destroyed and now she's somehow still alive and rolling around with no legs outside.
Posted by 4zb4, Oct 7, 2014 at 4:29 pm
Zayre wrote
Would it be possible to root an enemy into place with a function that is done more like a kick, by temporarily applying a "super slow" on them that makes it difficult for them to run away?

Interesting idea.
Instead of applying a "super slow" to them, we could instead make use of the game's beartrap/sticky tile code that traps one of the enemy's limbs and one of your free arms to hold them (and you) in place. This also makes the limb you grabbed and your arm unusable.

This works doubly well because the code for beartraps supports breaking out of them, just as an enemy could break free from your grasp and leg it.
Or perhaps if poweful/fast enough, just run off with your arm still attached...

Zayre wrote
And if not that; it could give Unarmed an interesting thing. Sort of like how if you slip under a banana peel, you may trip and bop your head on a wall or something; you could execute like a sweep.

I dunno about this one, sweeping the legs would be good if IVAN supported being downed (as in Dwarf Fortress) but since it doesn't I don't see much point in implementing a sweep that acts like a banana peel since kicks take forever anyway and slipping over with even the most basic armor on does no damage. Maybe if a successful sweep had a chance of inducing a brief period of unconciousness but I can see that being abused.
Posted by 4zb4, Oct 4, 2014 at 8:19 am
chaostrom wrote
The problem? Every AoRD you'll ever find is a copy, like that valpurium flaming sword. It's awesome while you have it, but there's no telling when it'll *poof* on you. The moment it disappears on you, you better damn hope your HP isn't in the negatives, because if any part of your body has HP in the negatives, it'll spontaneously shred itself as the amulet disappears. Which could mean instant death if that's your head, torso or groin.

I like this idea a lot, the problem here is that you could abuse the hell out of that while the amulet still exists. For example, you could assure victory in the sumo arena, or even beat Petrus while under its effects, sit on the throne and become the world's shortest reigning high priest.

Of course in most situations the most that's going to happen is you're going to sit there while whatever nasty monster came along lops all your limbs off and leaves you to wait for the amulet to expire while being nothing more than a bloody mess on the floor. Even if we make the amulet prevent limb loss, they'd still become disabled from having no HP, and if that includes your head you'd be completely ass out of offensive options.
Posted by 4zb4, Oct 3, 2014 at 6:46 am
Batman? wrote
Could you so cm a bottle of acid into banana flesh and wait for it to rot, spulling the contents?

I guess that'd work. Of course that's going to rely on either wasting a scroll of change material or finding a loricatus altar, but I like the way you think!
Posted by 4zb4, Oct 3, 2014 at 1:11 am
Batman? wrote
Could you zap a wand of door creation and kick a bottle of acid towards it?

Wands of door creation trigger hostility, probably to stop you doing that kind of thing.
Makes sense, since they could technically allow you to trap Petrus in place or gain access to areas you normally wouldn't be allowed into.
Posted by 4zb4, Oct 2, 2014 at 6:37 pm
So after some extensive testing to see just how many ways you can cheat at sumo wrestling, I have come to the conclusion that the current most popular way is indeed the best - i.e. luring Huang outside of his house with food onto mines or bear traps, or vomiting on his standing place while he's busy eating.

However, I was determined to find some way to rig the arena, and it was made very clear that the devs had worked very hard to make sure people like me couldn't do just that.
Firstly, items left in the arena are teleported onto the staircase in Huang's house when you leave, so you can't leave banana peels and broken bottles in there.
Secondly, the sumo room belongs to New Attnam, so damaging it in any way gets the town mad.

So that left only one option - spilling liquids on the floor. Puddles of stuff don't get teleported upstairs and take a while to wear away, so it was the only way to rig the arena left at my disposal. Unfortunately, that means breaking bottles in a room full of glass walls that alert the populace if damaged.
Wands of striking/fireballs were out of the question, since their range is too large to break the bottles without damaging the walls. Kicking worked - but breaking a bottle of acid against the wall would obviously melt it and piss off the locals. Same deal with throwing.
So I came to the conclusion that the only way it was going to happen was by throwing a bottle against Kenny and hoping it broke, which was far too inconsistent and dangerous. As it turned out, vomiting on the tiles Huang appears on was the easiest idea, and wasn't really anything new.

Another idea I had was to drag the corpses of some carnivorous plants or magical mushrooms downstairs and resurrect them, then go upstairs and challenge Huang.
I was pretty convinced this would work... until the carnivorous plants somehow upped roots and followed me upstairs. The gas left by magical mushrooms will stay behind, but won't be of much practical use. From CVS onward you could potentially leave a mustard gas cloud there but IMO there are much better ways to abuse that gas grenade.

Anyway, another fun thing you can do is also teleport yourself outside the arena and leave acid or mustard gas everywhere to kill off the crowd.
Posted by 4zb4, Oct 2, 2014 at 6:16 pm
Warheck wrote
Man I can't shake this idea off. I want to implement this for the next release.

When I read "resist death" it makes me think that there's some kind of enemy that has like an instant death spell or something, and having the amulet of resist death reduces the chance that the instant death spell is successful.
As opposed to resisting death by blunt force trauma at the hands of an angry shopkeeper, say.
Posted by 4zb4, Sep 25, 2014 at 7:45 pm
Congratulations Batman?!