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Posted by 4zb4, Mar 2, 2016 at 12:59 pm
capristo wrote
Could be pretty epic if there was a golem made from the dirt surrounding it and it just kept getting more powerful

That's a pretty unique way of writing "ABSOLUTELY GOD DAMN TERRIFYING"

Also I am looking into adding a "voracious moth" enemy to my uh, "test variant" that just wanders around eating fabric.
The idea being that it's a pain in the ass if it eats useful items but it's actually pretty easy to kill.
Can you imagine a UT1 or 2 where some horrible moth has gone through and eaten all the body armor and boots of agility?
Posted by 4zb4, Mar 1, 2016 at 7:24 pm
I don't think there's currently a bonus for eating ommel hair.

There should be, even though I don't think there's a single monster that can eat fabric currently. It'd be easy enough to script that ability in though, I did it for rocks once.

Speaking of, perhaps golems should be allowed to eat items made of their own material to heal themselves?

We could also have a really crappy monster that eats literally anything in order to deny you loot. A slime maybe - a breed of momo slime?
Posted by 4zb4, Feb 29, 2016 at 6:10 pm
Ok so can someone help dumb this down for me?

I get that where you sit on the board determines the powers you'd have available, but I'm not clear on what - in the context of IVAN - would make you move around the board.
Would it just be something as small as prayers to differently aligned gods, actively avoiding prayers, slaying certain monsters and the like?
So each of those actions would give you "experience" in a cardinal direction and when you have enough it would move you in that direction, with the tiles at the edges of the board being the most powerful?
It also looks like half-assing yourself between two directions but not perfectly 1:1 penalizes you.

If so I think I can get behind this idea.
Posted by 4zb4, Feb 29, 2016 at 1:08 pm
I'm pretty amused by the idea of Scabies ripping a fat fart right on top of you.

By golem smithing do you mean making golems out of materials (similar or not similar to the scroll of golem creation?) or rather having loricatus harden existing golems?
Posted by 4zb4, Feb 26, 2016 at 6:35 pm
I personally think gaining magic powers should be very difficult, much like in Dwarf Fortress.
As for the suggested system, I don't think it's set in to my head properly, I'll need to re-read it again later when my brain wants to work.
Posted by 4zb4, Feb 26, 2016 at 9:44 am
Warheck wrote
Awesome! I found the bit in the code where the game determines which head bitmap to use, here.

Looks like we can just include an IF statement to check if the player is male or female and just slap on 16 to the X axis for females (or 32 for the default head since it's a little further over than the others)

v2 playerkind::GetHeadBitmapPos() const
  int Sum = GetAttribute(INTELLIGENCE, false) + GetAttribute(WISDOM, false);
  int headX = 96;
  int headY = 416;
    headX += 16;

  if(Sum >= 60)
    return v2(headX, headY + 64); //wisest head
  else if(Sum >= 40)
    return v2(headX, headY + 48); //wise head
  else if(GetIsFemale)
    return v2(headX + 16, headY); //default head
    return v2(headX, headY); //default head

Something like that? Can't really think too good right now, I should have gone to bed a while ago.
Posted by 4zb4, Feb 25, 2016 at 3:08 pm
red_kangaroo wrote
Would it be possible to add either a leather strap over the female character's breasts, or her nipples? Right now, it looks a bit wierd with her wearing panties but with nothing in the chest area.

Should be able to.
For those preview images I was just messing around by slapping the Priestess of Silva's legs on the player's default body.
Posted by 4zb4, Feb 25, 2016 at 5:38 am

This makes Kaethos' observation that your skin is white rather a lot more entertaining. Also pretty entertaining that he didn't notice he was raising a ghost.

EDIT: Does this preserve the original character's hair colour?
Posted by 4zb4, Feb 24, 2016 at 5:41 pm
Warheck wrote
Azba, just add them into some blank space in humanoid.pcx. I like the stuff in the top row, it's the same as the one in full armor right?


I just uploaded the updated humanoid.pcx to Github.
The new heads are next to the current male ones, as seen here:

The "mood" files remind me a lot of DooM. I imagine that was kinda the idea?
Posted by 4zb4, Feb 23, 2016 at 9:12 pm
Looks like I either didn't save the female hair PCX file or I deleted it at some point. Damn.

In any case I had just copied over one of the housewife heads and extended the hair a little for each WIS level, so it wouldn't be too hard for me to draw them up again.
Do you want me to upload them as a separate PCX, or just add them into some blank space on humanoid.pcx and upload that?

Here's a preview from what I did previously, it'd be really easy for me to do them again. Just pick what you like or maybe we can go with something completely different?