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Posted by 4zb4, Mar 13, 2016 at 6:40 am
LIVAN (CVS? Don't remember) already had something like that for the "derived undead", maybe you could appropriate it? Or have you looked at it and it's kludgy?
If it's a matter of not having the previous player's stats on hand, can't you just throw them into the bones file? I actually dunno if that's how it already works considering the ghosts seem to be of varying strength.
Posted by 4zb4, Mar 11, 2016 at 5:31 am
fejoa wrote
Doesn't intelligence or wisdom influence how much you can enchant something already?
It does, but with enough scrolls, food and patience you could technically just sit there until you got to whatever ungodly number of ++++++'s.
I don't know the formula but I'm pretty sure it doesn't have a flat cutoff at some point. Usually you'll hit the barrier of not having enough enchantment scrolls first.
Posted by 4zb4, Mar 10, 2016 at 7:24 pm
We could make over enchanting have a chance of angering a god... let's say Sophos since Sophos likes books and scrolls.
So the further over +9 you go the higher the chance of Sophos dropping some horrible divine wrath on you.
Posted by 4zb4, Mar 10, 2016 at 3:14 am
capristo wrote
My fear is still that since the player always ends up with so much gold, it would be too easy to buy your way to victory

IMO it's absolutely impossible to "buy your way to victory" in IVAN as it currently exists.
It's not very often that you'll find a good item in a shop and even when you do they're prohibitively expensive.

If you were to grind your way through 5000 kobold ballsacks at 1 gold each to buy such an expensive and powerful item I'd say more power to you - you've earned it!
Posted by 4zb4, Mar 8, 2016 at 9:41 pm
Posted by 4zb4, Mar 8, 2016 at 7:09 pm
Perhaps we could add "junk" items to help the game have a little bit more in the way of an economy?

Stuff like, say, gibberling ribs, magic frog legs, orc coin pouches etc. that drop from monsters that you can sell to the shopkeepers for a small amount of money.
Of course we're still going to run into problems with the shopkeepers running out of cash but that probably needs to be addressed too.
Posted by 4zb4, Mar 8, 2016 at 4:35 am
I just tried this myself and nothing much happened other than a Female Tourist killing herself on... something in the pile.
Then again, it WAS raining if that actually changes anything. I'll go run a few more tests.

EDIT: Waited for about 7 hours of in-game time and nothing blew up or caught fire. I think what probably happened was something or someone around New Attnam walked over and set off something while Zayre was waiting around, if I had to guess.
This was on the latest build, 0.50.4
Could also be if Zayre was using one of the older builds? Like the one where entire dungeons used to catch fire by accident?

...You know I suppose the holy banana of oily orpiv and any flaming weapon probably should start burning things on the same tile. Not the floor though or we get the burning dungeon problem again.
Posted by 4zb4, Mar 6, 2016 at 3:03 pm
The ferret photo from the "most recent album" segment on the front page isn't centered - it's left-justified - but when you open the album itself it is centered.

I haven't said anything up until now but it very, very slightly bugs me every time I visit Attnam.
EDIT: Looks like it also applies to the "random photo" section.
Posted by 4zb4, Mar 5, 2016 at 6:28 pm
Boots can already break from damage. I don't think I particularly like the idea of items "wearing out" over time, we already have enough to worry about in IVAN as-is.
Posted by 4zb4, Mar 5, 2016 at 3:13 am
This looks pretty damn good I must say!