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Posted by 4zb4, Feb 23, 2016 at 7:46 pm
Maybe we could have super-dense wood golems that set themselves on fire.
What a lovely idea.
Posted by 4zb4, Feb 23, 2016 at 7:26 am
Warheck wrote
Damn, that's smart. I really hadn't thought of that option. That's likely to be the first thing I try out (You sure you haven't programmed any C before? Could use a mind like yours.)

Have you tested them in-game? Just add them to the git repo if you can. Otherwise post the files?

Oh no, I have learned C (and C++) by now I just hadn't at time you rolled up to the forum.

I'm 90% sure I tested the sprites in-game since that's how I took the screenshots, they were just modifications on the head textures. I'll have to dig around and make sure I still have the PCX on hand somewhere.
Posted by 4zb4, Feb 23, 2016 at 2:48 am
Current plan looks pretty good IMO.

Have ghosts look like the previously deceased player
The Slave already uses the same code as the player and has his equipment accurately represented on his person - could we appropriate this for player ghosts and just change the opacity of the sprite?
Like playerkind CONFIG Spooky

Insect clouds

We can probably just appropriate the animated fly sprites that show up on rotting things for the graphics.
I dunno how the bug clouds were intended to work though... enemies? They wander and rot food? Or what? Sting your eyes?

Damascus steel between meteoric and adamant
This sounds like the easiest thing on the list.
Just slap an entry in the material.dat and define.dat files and away we go for playtesting.

Male/female player (?)
I still have the sprites I made for the wisdom concept sitting around if you want. Somewhere.
Posted by 4zb4, Feb 22, 2016 at 5:40 pm
Maybe the enner's shouts should put out fire at close range?
Posted by 4zb4, Feb 18, 2016 at 4:51 pm
I would also not be opposed to female characters growing a beard with high WIS, but people might think it was a programming oversight or something.
Posted by 4zb4, Feb 18, 2016 at 6:36 am
Warheck wrote
There's a post somewhere with the pallette colours for the game in a .pdf attachment.
I use Graphics Gale which is insane because it loads the associated pallette and you can set up a nice 16x16 grid.
Azba: I remember I wrote this four years ago as well, a workflow method for editing the graphics. It's important not to get the pallette muddled

It would be handy to make symbol.pcx m-color enabled, because then we could give the explosion sprite a "main material" and change colours that way...

I just followed Ighalli's instructions to convert the explosion colours (gray and yellow shades) to m-colors and it worked fine, I tested it in IVAN to make sure the colours and such weren't messed up and all seemed fine. We'll see what happens when someone tries to add code for pulling a material colour into the explosion sprite...
The explosions should use m-colours 1 and 2, 1 being the yellow part of the explosion and 2 being the grey outer.

As for being careful about using the exact colours, turns out I could use GIMP to extract the valid colours from Symbol.pcx itself and give me a nice palette to pick from, so no troubles there.
I just don't really know my way around GIMP so it was a little bit of a uh "learning experience"

The yellows I needed to replace from the deity symbols have been replaced with the yellow in slot 14, and the light yellow on sophos' pages with the white on slot 15.

I actually made and successfully implemented some sprites into IVAN before using photoshop but I have NO IDEA how I managed that because I couldn't get it to work again just now.
Remember the female wisdom-hair-growth concept thread?

That Graphics Gale thing looks WAY more convenient though.
Posted by 4zb4, Feb 18, 2016 at 1:07 am
Ok, I've rearranged the yellows and grays so now they're where you said (4th to last row and 3rd to last row respectively).
Exported as a PCX here.

Not sure how to check whether it works but the colour palette appears to be fine.
Explosions appear as they do before, I kinda expected them to be big black blobs or something since I don't think they have material values set. I'm an idiot and just noticed Symbols.pcx isn't m-colour enabled by default.

I'm not sure how to check whether the yellows/greys present aren't the ones being used for m-colours! Help!
(I'm pretty sure the explosions share yellows with the altar symbol outlines and some of the "good" gods symbols)
EDIT: Checked via comparing hex values, explosions do in fact use some of the same yellows. What do we do now? Just have me replace the conflicting colours with as close as I can get with the regular colours?

My god.
Many edit.

Anyway, I've moved the yellows and grays where they need to be, and replaced any duplicated yellows/grays with close equivalents.
The only real casualty here was Sophos' symbol which now has white centers on its book pages rather than a lighter yellow. The altar symbols have a slightly lighter yellow edge.

Download here.

Here's what the colourmap looks like:
Posted by 4zb4, Feb 18, 2016 at 12:01 am
Man, I didn't want to have to download and use GIMP since I already have photoshop but it REALLY doesn't want to spit out compatible PCX files.
I'll take a shot at it, gimme a while.
Posted by 4zb4, Feb 17, 2016 at 10:28 pm
I could look into doing the fire explosions.
Only thing is last time I looked into making IVAN sprites I wasn't entirely sure of how to save them so the game recognizes them properly, since IVAN uses an archaic image format.
I was basically being careful by opening the image files as-is and only taking colours from those already present on the sheet.
Posted by 4zb4, Jan 31, 2016 at 9:09 am
Do it!
phpBB and vBulletin are ass. Functional, but ass.