Without saying I'm done, I think I have something that is sufficiently stable to ship

You can take a look here:
The key takeaways for players:
* You can choose Pangea or Continent world type.
* Pangea makes bigger landmasses, and puts all locations on one continent.
* Continents puts UT Exit, Attnam, and GC on one continent, the rest of the dungeons either same continent or random continent. (With hindsight I think no-one will use this

) .
* You can select a world seed, which determines the land and water distribution by seeding the noise algo. Seed 0 gives random seed.
* You can select a world size out of Huge [128x128], Large [96x96], Medium [64x64], Small [49x49], Tiny [32x32], Four screens [84x52], or One screen [42x26].
* You can select what happens to the PC when he reaches the edge of the world map by selecting a world shape out of flat pancake, flat brandy snap, or flat doughnut. The edges of the map roughly align

What happens to the PC when he crosses the edge of the world map is left as an exercise for the player.
To reduce confusion, the defaults will be:
* World size: Medium (64x64)
* Land type: Pangea
* World shape: Doughnut
* Seed: 0 (will generate random worlds)