Ischaldirh wrote
Personally, I think the simplest way would be to make some monsters resist certain damage types - hammers aren't too effective against slimes, spears don't really work against undead, swords tend to glance off of metal golems, etc...
I think this is the best approach and requires a LOT less of a balancing act to get right.
Currently the only damage bonus in the game for weapon types is scythes and sickles versus plants, which do 50% extra damage. I think an approach like that would work fine.
Skeletons resist anything except blunt damage
Golems resist based on material
Humanoids should resist depending on their armor but the penalties should be much smaller since most of the enemies it would matter for are already really goddamn beefy
We should also think about elemental damage bonus/malus for enemies because it'd make magic much more interesting than "which of these damage wands still has charges left"
Any way we go about this should be good though because it would encourage players to try using more than one weapon type the whole way through the game. Oh that's a skeleton? Let me swap to my hammer.