red_kangaroo wrote
It would be awsome if werewolves (and anything else with lycanthropy) had an aversion to silver (and maybe mithril, because mithril is "true silver" after all). Being struck by silver (mithril) weapon (or any item, really) could deal +50% damage to lycanthropes, while if they were wearing any silver equipment, it could occasionally sear them for small damage.
Similarly, vampires should have an aversion to sunlight. Either they could stop regenerating HP as long as they are above ground and outside during day, or they could take intermittent small damage to any uncovered body part (thus fully armored vampire would be immune to sunlight).
I think this is a cool idea. Admittedly it plays into some fantasy tropes, but I personally am OK with that.
It might be interesting to add a high-level material akin to D&D adamant - that is, unbelievably strong, keeps an edge, but if exposed to sunlight it rapidly becomes brittle and weak (in-game: perhaps it starts to "rot"). Then, vampires would prefer this material for weapons and armor as they don't really go out in the sun anyways - and it would exaggerate their weaknesses if they did.
Speaking of "rot", currently it's a very linear thing: your ommel bone breastplate is fully functional right up until the moment it disintegrates. I would like to see this modified a bit - rotting items would become progressively less useful as they become more rotten. The simplest mechanic I can think of is a simple linear decay of material strength as a function of rot - something like
rotLevel = (itemAge / timeUntilRot)
itemStrength = materialStrength * (1-rotLevel)
which would cause, for example, an ommel bone helmet to decay from 100% AV to 0% AV as the item proceeds from brand new to completely rotten.
This does penalize the use of such items pretty heavily, so it might be reasonable to add an extra factor into the rotLevel calculation above - perhaps double timeUntilRot so that rotLevel goes from 0 -> 0.5, and an item of such a material will both lose usefulness slower and will never drop below 1/2 strength.