chaostrom wrote
Nobody uses plate mail they find.
Can confirm. I've never found plate mail made of a useful material. Copper, bronze, and iron plate are all worse than useless. (Meteoric) Steel plate is just normal-level useless. Plate armor literally does not spawn with any higher-level metals. You can get ommel bone/tooth armor sometimes, but the combined spawn rate for them is 0.16%. Even broken plate doesn't spawn high-tier materials - you have a 1.4% chance to get dragon hide, but that's not metal.
And as we've discussed earlier, metal plate of any material earlier than Arcanite is pretty much ineffective. Trying to get Loricatus to turn plate armor into Adamant (which I still feel is of dubious value considering adamant is the fourth-densest material in the game, behind gold, lead, and silver) takes a lot of time, patience, and lugging around a 14-kg meteoric plate which you may or may not be using anyways.
I think I'm beating a dead horse here. The point is that plate is a non-option until midgame at the earliest, and is very questionable even then.