Rogue Legacy Challenge

Jul 19, 2013, 3:31 am
Joined: Nov 22, 2008
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So, since this forum needs some activity, and I've been 'obsessed' with Rogue Legacy lately, I thought I'd make a RL-based challenge.

Here's how it works.
Your highest stat at the start of your game will dictate which disorder you have. If you have several highest stats, you have all associated disorders. Disorders each have special rules, and if those rules conflict, you get to choose which disorder you want to follow.

Good luck. And remember: this is more fun without rerolling

ASTR: Alcohol Dependent. As soon as you see any bottled fluid that is not sulphuric acid, you must drink it in as few turns as possible. This may need attacking enemies in your path, but more likely it'll be quicker to run past them. You may take a detour to dodge traps during these turns. (Protip: if you enter a shop, make sure you've got enough money.)
LSTR: Dyslexia. You may not read scrolls or books. Ever.
DEX: Vegetarian. You may not eat any meat (or bones). This includes meat from regular animals (such as lions), mutated animals (such as two-headed moose), magical animals (such as dark frogs), and humanoids. You may still eat kiwi, pineapple, and other drops from sentient plants.
AGI: ADHD. You may not rest (h), search (s) or skip a turn (.). You must run as long as you are not fainting or exhausted. You may still eat, drink, or do other activities that require you to stand still.
END: Overconfidence. You must charge and attack the closest visible foe unless at least one of your body parts is disabled. You may not pray or offer.
PER: Kleptomania. You must always use the most expensive items you have encountered in each slot. If you do not know the relative value of each item, use the one made of the best material. This applies to items in shops as well. In addition, you may not pay in shops.
INT: Savant. You may only ever use the first weapon type you pick up. This does not include wands.
WIS: OCD. You may not leave a level until all lanterns on that level are collected in one room. You may still carry one lantern around. This does not apply to overland/city levels.
CHA: Bulimia Nervosa. You may not eat or drink unless you are at least hungry. Every time you eat (but not drink) you must vomit once, immediately. If, at any time, you are satiated or even bloated, you must vomit until you are neither.

It seems my first character will suffer from ADHD, Overconfidence, and Kleptomania...

If you have any suggestions, don't hold back
Beware! 'tis EagleV, Hardcore Weaver of Baskets!
Jul 19, 2013, 3:52 am
Joined: Nov 22, 2008
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And the first test run went fairly well...

SPOILER ALERT. Click here to see text.
With ADHD, Kleptomania and Overconfidence, I couldn't stop moving and had to use the most expensive stuff I found against everything I saw. Sounds almost like a regular game of IVAN, right?

Well, soon enough, the effects of Kleptomania started to show... A shiny whip, for sure, but maybe not the smartest weapon to use.

Not to mention this running around is tiresome...

Very tiresome...

And there we go. Dead caused by the forced use of a chameleon whip while fainting.

Beware! 'tis EagleV, Hardcore Weaver of Baskets!
Jul 19, 2013, 5:28 am
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its not such a gneiss golem after al hahahahahahahahahahahahaha
Jul 19, 2013, 5:31 am
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It took me a second to get that... XD
Beware! 'tis EagleV, Hardcore Weaver of Baskets!
Jul 19, 2013, 12:16 pm
Master mine stomper

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Haha. =D Might actually give this a try now, the dishes can wait right?

EDIT: I'm playing on Public, so you can come watch mi die in horrible ways.
Jul 19, 2013, 12:31 pm
Master mine stomper

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I've got ADHD, OCD and Bulimia Nervosa. I sense a mighty combo, let's see how far I get...

UT 2. Burdened, just found a steel chainmail I ripped off a skeleton. Fortunately he had only a bronze axe -3. I've got a iron axe and a few daggers. Pine helmet helps, I guess, though not much. WoL and WoN, SoHM are other noteworthy items in my Inventory. I wish I could get that broken belt of carrying fixed!

UT 3: Found a steel helmet and nice gauntlets of DEX +1. I'm still missing boots... But I got the belt fixed, and am no longer burdened! In other news, this is a bones level. I don't know if it's a good or a bad thing yet.
Found the ghost, and got some damage in my left leg. Stop touching me, ghost of squarelos!
A few seconds later, it ripped my left leg off, panicking me. I responded by zapping a wand of lightning in the darkness behind it... This cost me my other leg, but the ghost was also banished from this realm. No legs. And I just used my prayer to Lorivatus, who gave me slight tingling in me hands. Hmm.
I guess I'll have a snack and barf sum.
OCD kicks in. I cannot make myself leave the level until all the lanterns are in one room. I do think there are more rooms than the one I already found. But I'll surely die if I don't! Argh!
Crawling back and forth in the tunnels, I slay about ten carnivorous plants. I had to remove my chainmail in order to be able to move at all. Soon, a Greater carnivorous plant sprouts... And rips off my heart. I died, with 46 kills and no legs, flailing my axe at the fearsome plants and honored the challenge to the word...
Jul 19, 2013, 3:39 pm
Joined: Nov 22, 2008
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Great job! I guess OCD can be a bitch...
Beware! 'tis EagleV, Hardcore Weaver of Baskets!
Jul 21, 2013, 6:23 pm
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Well I had one really lame one so far where charisma was the only high stat. Died before I even got hungry.

New one has Alcohol Dependent, Dyslexia, ADHD, Savant, and OCD. Guess I should be careful what i wish for
Jul 21, 2013, 6:35 pm
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Taking OCD to the next level

Update: Suffered basically the same fate as Erno, stuck on UT3, not allowed to leave because of OCD and not allowed to heal because of ADHD, surrounded by plants
Jul 22, 2013, 4:27 am
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Rolling my first character, holy fuck:
Bulimia Nervosa.

Expecting a short run.

Yeah, died on UT1 to a kobold with a copper battle axe. Having to use a balsa spear due to kleptomania is rather inconvenient.
Jul 22, 2013, 4:46 am
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The second one isn't faring much better with Dyslexia, ADHD, Kleptomania, Savant and OCD.

Encountered a kobold with a balsa spear, no more using anything else than balsa spears until I manage to find another spear.

Then got eaten by a hedgehog. :I
Jul 22, 2013, 9:57 am
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I must say, I didn't really realize how devastating those traits could be when I came up with them...

E: I just rolled a character that ended up with just a belt (loincloth?) and gloves, battle axe in one hand, mace in the other, running around with a bag full of lanterns. (Got poisoned by a snake)
Beware! 'tis EagleV, Hardcore Weaver of Baskets!
Jul 22, 2013, 10:29 am
Master mine stomper

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=D Haha, this is hilarious! I'll have another go later today.
Jul 22, 2013, 2:54 pm
Joined: Dec 4, 2007
Posts: 184
Currently on a Vegetarian run. Will collect pictures.
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