It kinda feels bad to have my first post be a request of others people's time, I've read the forum a bit before and thought of registering but never did so because Im lazy and not much of an heavy poster, but, here I am doing it so I guess I should at least say "Hi people" (that was it) before continuing with the thread matter:
I've recently restarted playing IVAN and decided to go with X, I've played quite a bit, should have about 16 dead characters now, but this last one was going really good, I dont know if he's got what it takes to win the game since I never got much far but I think I could at least take on the enner beast, both him and the slave are very well equiped and with nice stats, I was going pretty good in gloomy cave level 3, pretty much unstoppable but then it happened...
My pc went down (old many reasons), when I finally got everything sorted out I came back to load the autosave to find this:
I pretty much suck with computers, is there anything that can be done? If I press retry it crashes. I really didnt want to lose this save, I was doing so well, even had loads of cash (near 3000 I think)
Thanks in advance for any answer, wonder if people still are around.