chaostrom says:
speaking of which, they want to know if it's all right to use your artwork in a banner
chaostrom says:
chaostrom says:
the forum's been changed recently
bloc says:
agh man, most of those drawings looks bad now...
bloc says:
for the banner maybe you should not cut the head of the girl like that
bloc says:
( put here a bit lower )
bloc says:
( put her i mean )
chaostrom says:
I guess the guy that made it really wanted to show the breasts : x
bloc says:
but yeah sure you can use my drawings.
if you can erase the 06 after my name, its cool too
bloc says:
bloc says:
Also, I don't suppose you can put some sort of captions in the gallery/photos area? The "By capristo" makes it look like you drew 'em