This will be about a very useful and pretty safe routine I use to get stuff.
I've been trying to put myself together many a weekend to present this complete, easy-to-read step-by-step guide to this method/trick/tactic/routine I've set up, but I never succeeded, so here's a rough mess of a text, which I will eventually put in order.
What it's going to give you (at least!):
- free holy bananas, potions, ommel liquids
- free adamantium gear
- free satiation
- lots of free wolves to pet, mistresses to sci talk and pimp with, angels to sci-talk
- Wis, LStr and Agi training
What you'll need:
- most of all, the knowledge of, and NEUTRAL relations with the following gods:
+ Nefas
+ Mellis
+ Loricatus
+ Silva
+ Seges
- having altars of Seges and Nefas is a big convenience.
- enough stuff to keep you burdened and/or enough containers to keep all of it safe from Attnam
- lots of empty cans and bottles
- copper-steel stuff you would like to become adamantium.
Beginning the proper relations with gods
Preferably in mid-game, after getting to know all of the gods YET refraining from praying/making relations with them, go to Attnam (I'm assuming you have never prayed, so the relations are a clean slate). Either pray in this sequence:
Nefas -> Mellis -> Loricatus -> Silva -> Seges,
or in the opposite one. Shouldn't matter. Before praying to the last godess in either sequence, you might want to go to her altar and sacrifice some stuff to check out if she's angry. If she's not, you should offer some cheap stuff just to make things safe. If she is, you should offer enough stuff to make her content, and then offer a little more, and then visit the "opposing" godess' altar and check if she's still content and offer stuff until she is, etc... In the beginning it's tedious to work out ok relations with both of them, but it's CRUCIAL to utilising this tactic, and also, as time goes by, you will gain favor for both of them so it will be safe. IMPORTANT: If you prayed to 4 of the gods, and are working out relations with the fifth one, DON'T pray to any gods just because the timer is ok- praying to anyine will distrupt the whole relations and make repairing them to our desired state VERY troublesome. So be careful and make a few succesful 5-god praying sequences. If you have the altars, look up the 2 most "extreme" godesses we are discussing for the first 2-4 sequences. It will pay off, believe me
The physical aspect
You will also, along the way, train either Leg Strength or Agility (if you aren't sure which one is better to train first, then I suggest of course LStr, because it makes Agi training less tedious in terms of putting stuff away, and doesn't abuse/fall so quickly). That's because the timeout between praying to a standard god (in our case, a wholesale of 5 gods) is 3 hours. The most useful, yet safe way to wait these 3+ hours is to leave Attnam and run around it for that time. Depending on what you wish to train, the guidelines are following:
For LStr: run burdened/stressed, satiated or not.
For Agi: run unburdened, unsatiated, with a small batch of food just to avoid immediate hunger.
Getting the best out of the prayers
Now, what we are praying for to all the 5 gods is:
Mellis - fills our cans and bottles, gives us bananas (and gets us to know other important gods). Importantly, always carry empty cans and bottles, because he might give us
Ommel liquids!
Loricatus - besides having the possibility to use him enough times to fix all of your broken stuff and gather a few scrolls of repair, you'll want to always hold a piece of iron-family armor or weapon (SoCM artifacts to iron, it will pay off) in hand. Because if you have a high standing with him, he'll [/u]harden materials, overriding the required intelligence[/u]. It's a VERY small chance, but having an adamantium thing or two in mid-game is a real advantage.
Nefas - she summons mistresses, which beside being helpful in a possible taking of Attnam, are easy to sci-talk. Now, one or two mistresses aren't going to give you much of an
Int boost, but THIRTY surely will. Also, there's always a chance they will spawn with
holy bananas!
Seges - it's important to have relations with the free-food she-god. Pretty much just that.
Silva - even less than Seges, she's just good to have beacuse of the minor satiation she can grant and the huge amount of wolves she'll spawn in Attnam (feed them with a large chest of ommel bone and they will have ~900 hp for a start).
All of them - all of these gods however, have a chance of spawning
angels or even
archangels. Which are even more Wis and Int boosts, thanks to sci-talk! You might have to "store them", though. Oh, and praying in general trains Wis. So it's gonna be a fair boost already.
Handling companions
If you have wolves, you'll probably want to make them stop follow you, as soon as they spawn.
If you have mistresses, you should sci-talk the hell out of them, and then make them stop following you, and then 'n'ame them to denote those already sci-talked with from the fresh ones.
If you are lucky enough to have spawned an angel or archangel, lead them out of town to a dungeon, the best being UT1, because it can easily be avoided until you're wise enough to talk with these beings.
I angered Nefas/Seges, it's gonna take ages to rebuild this relationship!
Either it will take a couple of days, or after having ~30 mistresses it's ok to use this opportunity to make friends with other important gods, like Sophos and Dulcis
What I got at my best try (more or less)
- 3 holy bananas
- adamantium Saal'thul, breastplate and bear trap
- each one of ommel liquids BESIDES ommel cerumen (damn
- Raised LStr AND Agi to about 24
- a bajillion wolves and tens of mistresses, 3 angels and an archangel
- +3 Wis from praying alone, +some Int from mistresses
- even more Wis from talking to all those frogs and angels!
- enough repair scrolls and sci-talking to later (with a helmet of brilliance and tame dark frogs and stuff, of course) talk to dolphins. Hello 100 Int.
- bucketload of healing liquids and cans of banana and stuff.
- random stuff like a ~+6 belt of carrying from my pal, Mellis.
- being cool enough to beat up G-dahn and Urky
So that's my basic farm of epic danger levels. But it's got POSSIBILITIES! Putting other gods into the game, using up all those cans of school food for yourself (and Seges) rather than feeding it to the wolves... I urge you to experiment and report any thoughts here!