So if i get this right, i better pack some wooping 20 banans before going out of the cave level 5 and find that damn city. Cuz i recall starving in the wilderness map running around trying to find the city before starving to death (adding the irony that when i press to go in a specific location it says "go there? you really have no interest stoping there..." mmm no,
except maybe some DAMN FOOD?!
Appart from that fustration, does carring lots of stuff make you hungrier? also more stronger? (having burdened, status)
Also i noticed that sometimes i find ghosts of my past self... with all the wooping items i had, i guess this happens random every time i start a new game, right? with a random dead character?
3 (judgeing that that Chararacter had a really high score, so he will be worthy of showing up)
Funny thing is i had a wand of necromancy and used it on my dead "Rupert" character, and to my surprise it raised from the dead ! even more, he started equiping his equipment back! WOOJ... what a rush. Next question - i was wondering if weather ressurection scroll brings him back to life?
4 that would be like a wooping coop play with myself, exept i am playing from another dimension. Don't you just love new hyped forum people? (don't answer that one^^)
And last one: how can i raise my INT and WIS stats? and what is the diffrence beetween them? or better yet, how can i raise ANY of my stats? and what use do each one have?
5 (okay i may have been too much pretiontios with the last question )