Alveradok wrote
I can easily imagine a bunch of players progressing to UT3, one of them being killed from e.g. poison, and starting out back in New Attnam - since one can win IVAN in one day or even less, he'd be as little as 20-30 minutes of real progress behind the other players.
You're talking about real-time type here, right?
Alveradok wrote
A thought I have on the difficulty of a real-time game is that in IVAN sometimes, especially during tough fights in the later stages when we're super-careful, we tend to ponder our moves quite long - even a, let's say, 3 second wait for Golgor-Dhan to move would make snap decisions and 'sticking to the plan' a must for teams.
That was one of the things that kinda ruined my idea. Maybe real-time will only be fun in teams then. At any rate, it'll go quite slowly, since you just have too many commands to enter one in a split second.
Another problem I just thought of: teamwork requires chat, chat requires time.
Alveradok wrote
I dunno, but perhaps coding the whole engine (that is, single player too) to real-time with a variable interval for monsters to wait before their move (altered for every monster according to their speed etc.), BUT with the option of having it reset whenever the player makes his move, thus making them move instantly would be more 'versatile' now, since setting the base interval to, like, a couple of minutes would essentialy make the game turn-based. Perhaps. I think I got lost.
I'm lost too. Lemme try rephrasing. So the game waits for user input, while the monsters that are faster than the user are able to move a (few) step(s), but, when the player does something, all the monsters make a move once and have to wait at least their respective intervals entirely again.
Is that it? If so, I don't really see the logic in this... Explain plx