The Cathedral of Attnam


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1,923 bytes added ,  11:15, 1 May 2016
| <code>DifficultyDelta</code>
| <code> 0, 5, 10, ...</code>
| This sets the value added to the DifficultyBase for each consecutive level. In LevelDefault, this is the change in difficulty per level (dD), without needing to continually specify DifficultyBase (DB) for each level. The difficulty, D, is therefore set to <code>D = DB + dD * CurrentLevelL</code>, where L is the current level number.
| <code>GenerateMonsters</code>
| <code>MonsterAmountBase</code>
| <code>0, 10, 20, ...</code>| Sets the maximum number of monsters for the level for the generator. While the number of monsters is less than this value, the monster generator adds a new monster. Above this value, monsters are not generated.
| <code>MonsterAmountDelta</code>
| <code>0, 5, 10, ...</code>| This sets the value added to the MonsterAmountBase for each consecutive level. In LevelDefault, this is the change in monster setpoint per level (dM), without needing to continually specify MonsterAmountBase (MB) for each level. The number of monsters (M) setpoint for any given level, is set to <code>M = MB + dM * L</code>, where L is the current level number.
| <code>MonsterGenerationIntervalBase</code>
| <code>100, 120, ...</code>| The time taken between monster generations, in tens of ticks
| <code>MonsterGenerationIntervalDelta</code>
| <code>..., -10, 0, 10, ...</code>| The increment per level in the time taken between monster generations, in tens of ticks. A negative number means that that the generation interval becomes shorter by that amount, for each consecutive level. The implication being, negative numbers increase the frequency of monster generation with increasing level depth.
| <code>ItemMinPriceBase</code>
| <code>0, 20, 40, ...</code>| The minimum price for items generated on the level, in gold coins. Lower minimum price causes items to generate from low-value materials.
| <code>ItemMinPriceDelta</code>
| <code>0, 10, 20, ...</code>| Incremental increase or decrease in generated item value per level, in gold coins.
| <code>EnchantmentMinusChanceBase</code>
| <code>0, 5, 10, ...</code>| Make a finite chance that weapons generate with negative enchantment. High values increase the odds the player will come acrossterrible equipment.
| <code>EnchantmentMinusChanceDelta</code>
| <code>..., -5, 0, 5, ...</code>| Increments the <code>EnchantmentMinusChance</code> with increasing level depth.
| <code>EnchantmentPlusChanceBase</code>
| <code>0, 5, 10, ...</code>| Make a finite chance that weapons generate with positive enchantment. High values increase the odds the player will come across good equipment.
| <code>EnchantmentPlusChanceDelta</code>
| <code>..., -5, 0, 5, ...</code>| Increments the <code>EnchantmentPlusChance</code> with increasing level depth.
| <code>IsCatacomb</code>
| <code>true</code> or <code>false</code>
| Normally set to false. This variable causes a level to spawn only ghosts, skeletons and zombies. Used in the Attnamese Catacombs.


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