The Cathedral of Attnam


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339 bytes removed ,  11:09, 26 April 2016
When editing the dungeon file, it pays to have a good text editor. A nice program in Windows might be, for example, Programmer’s Notepad 2, but any program with suitable syntax highlighting will do. The script file text is based on C/C++ syntax, so you can set the syntax highlighting to this language. It is also highly prudent to select a mono-space typeface. A mono-space typeface means each character has the same horizontal length in the editor. Because we are also going to “draw” with ASCII characters in the script files, it would be good if the characters can properly align in a grid-like fashion, making it easy to identify the geometrical patterns. This is indispensable when it comes to laying out large rooms and even particular dungeons, helping to avoid confusion along the way. Suitable typefaces to consider for this purpose might include Courier New or Lucida Console fonts.
Always aim to implement your script using a minimal number of lines. If you write something that is really lengthy, then don’t panic, there’s always time to prune the code down later. Be warned that you will be tempted to leave things as they are once things are working smoothly, so try to write the script efficiently for posterity.
=== Backing up your work ===


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