There's a post
somewhere with the pallette colours for the game in a .pdf attachment.
I use
Graphics Gale which is insane because it loads the associated pallette and you can set up a nice 16x16 grid.
Azba: I remember I wrote this four years ago as well,
a workflow method for editing the graphics. It's important not to get the pallette muddled
It would be handy to make symbol.pcx m-color enabled, because then we could give the explosion sprite a "main material" and change colours that way...
Batman? wrote
Burning banana peels should cause confusion.
I agree, they should

Maybe they should spout a curiously colored smoke as they burn?
Ighalli wrote
I added the ability to make explosions only deal fire damage instead of 1/2 fire + 1/2 physical. Wands of Fireballs and lanterns are the only place that's used.
Will this make for example Mr. Enner harder to kill?
Ighalli wrote
The ignition points strike me as pretty high, since much of the time a creature will die before it's equipment ignites.
It's true that the creatures will die. The ignition points for some exotic materials are deliberately high because explosions can cascade, and there are two values for thermal energy (storage);
Transient and Steady-State. Transient acts as a temporary heat storage and if there are multiple explosions then all the fire damage gets accumulated, so you can potentially get hundreds of fire damage accumulating to set dragon hide on fire. Say if you stacked four large mines and stepped on one...
Transient thermal energy dies away in a short space of time, while steady state thermal energy acts as a switch.
Their also tiered according to the explosive power of various ignition sources. I wanted to create a heirarchy of effectiveness amongst materials, so that more advanced materials would generally offer a greater degree of protection. I also made it so if you are wearing spider silk and you carelessly have a direct hit with a big mine, then you better drop your trou' and piss on that armor: the game should punish players for stupidity if they are that far up the tech tree.
Some numbers from research I did into explosions:
Wand of fire balls strike : 20
Wand of fire balls apply : 30
Mine : 37
Izzy : 40
Big mine : 93
Veteran : 112 (adjacent square)
Holy hand grenade : 150
Ighalli wrote
Looks like giant plants (ignition value 3.5) should be able to burn from lanterns, after we add that, so maybe it's about right.
I think so. You have to have pretty good arm strength to smash a lantern, and the best chance of doing that is to smash it against a wall. So the plant needs to be situated against a wall to take advantage of this, which is a less common position since they mostly sprout in the middle of a corridor. I think it is suitably balanced of itself and players can use it as an unusual tactic in times of desperation.