Well, I've finally identified a bones, so I'll start sharing. Get them here:
These are for IVAN 0.50
This UT3 multi-bones has a crazy golem responsible for it. Follow the left path and you should run into it soon enough. Be warned, it seems to be hasted, as it jumps in out of nowhere.
Purposefully seeded bones on UT2. You'll find lots loot in that chest. You can resurrect the guy if you want as well, he's a formidable warrior. I killed him because he was too stupid to be able to make use of the scrolls. He died right next to the stairs, so be careful. The loot includes a copper/bronze short sword -5 for training purposes and an arcanite platemail. Level also has altars of Valp and Mort.
GC1 bones level. There's some good loot, such as the pair o' Saal'thul and lots of scrolls, including one of wishing, amongst others. You might want to revive the guy and take him to a shop as he has about 1500 gold or so.