4zb4 wrote
You COULD make it break afterward, but an item that returns you to the first floor of the dungeon would be a pretty damn cool reward for fighting your way through an optional dungeon.
Horn of recall? Returns you to the first floor/worldmap tile of the dungeon you are in. However, works after a short delay, so that you cannot easily escape a deadly fight, so it's a convenience item?
As far as rewards for side-dungeons go, I also had as idea of an artifact cloak Shadow Veil - made of air/ghost/smoke, so weight nothing and has no AV, but grants ETHEREAL flag while worn, so you can walk through walls. Should be hidden and heavily guarded, but even then it might be way too powerful, what do you think?
4zb4 wrote
I've had this idea in my head of a dungeon level where some smaller enner-beast-like creatures are hidden around the map locked into little cells, and the objective of that level is to find and kill them so that they stop breaking your stuff and inflicting minor damage.
Could work here too? Maybe you could put them inside the walls and eventually their cries might break them out?
Enner children! Yay!
You might even make the level a prison with the enner children locked in cells and friendly, while several hostile goblin jailors around. The enner childern are just scared, but their screams will kill you if you don't kill them, or all hostiles quickly enough.