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Posted by fejoa, Mar 21, 2016 at 5:31 am
Ighalli wrote
This has been sitting for a while, and I sure could use less crazy powerful "magical" materials for Atavus to give to you. Does anyone have an objection to just adding these materials as I wrote them above? If so, could you give me an alternative list? I just want to keep moving on my work and I need materials in place to make it better...

You mean the series of materials proposed in this post?:

Ighalli wrote
Perhaps Mithril could move to the end of the copper->titanium branch, and have an analogous role to adamant. We could then flesh out the "magical material" branch with something like this (inspired by Exalted):
Magical Metal:
Jade -> Starmetal -> Moonsilver -> Arcanite -> Orichalcum -> Octiron. (or swap the last two)

Lighter / technical metal: (Gets lighter and a bit stronger as you progress)
Lead -> Copper -> Bronze -> Djinn Brass [less dense than real brass, somewhat stronger than bronze] -> Titanium [nerf it a bit compared to what I had] -> Mithril [boost it some relative to today & raise INT]

This has the advantage of all of the trees having 6 materials. Might have to think of a reason why the magical branch isn't the only one worth having. Perhaps while the materials are better (light and strong) than the others in their branch, the Int requirements are about 5 points higher than the quality would suggest, so that they're only useful for really high int characters who would be at the top of the other chains.

Yeah ok. So to summarize, the material trees presently go like this:

(Sulphur -> )Tin -> Copper -> Bronze -> Iron -> Steel -> Meteoric Steel -> Adamant // Sulphur doesn't seem to occur naturally in IVAN, hence ()

Arcanite -> Mithril -> Octiron

Lead -> Adamant

Silver -> Sapphire -> Diamond
Gold -> Ruby -> Diamond


And the proposed trees are:

Magical: Jade -> Starmetal -> Moonsilver -> Arcanite -> Orichalcum -> Octiron //maybe use Aurichalcum, to differ slightly from other fantasy elements? Pity it's hard to spell.

Technical: (Sulphur -> )Tin -> Copper -> Bronze -> Djinn Brass -> Titanium -> Mithril

Ferrous: pig iron -> iron -> steel -> meteoric steel -> wootz steel -> adamant

Noble: Illithium, Valpurium

I don't see why not. In addition, I would do something like:
Lead -> Gold

4zb4 wrote
It's super easy to change names and stats once they're in if need be anyway so I see no reason not to go ahead with the changes.

Yup, they can be placeholders to begin with, though I feel like it's more or less complete for now. In the lists above, I feel like Mithril for example doesn't really have a fixed place yet. It's kind of magic but also quite useful and valuable. Maybe it could be a noble metal, like illithium, valpurium?

Eventually we could invent some personalities for these materials so they can be more easily distinguished. Magic materials would need truly magical properties. There is definitely an alchemy system to be conceptualized. It could be that some of the materials could be melted together to make hybrid ones, or to reach other materials on other branches?

Does anyone have any changes they would like to make to the names/order of materials?

I'd probably go:
Magical: Jade -> Starmetal -> Moonsilver -> Arcanite -> Mithril -> Octiron

Technical: (Sulphur -> )Tin -> Copper -> Bronze -> Djinn Brass -> Aurichalcum -> Titanium //since some historical sources suggest Orichalcum was a type of copper alloy

EDIT: gee, fancy colors
Posted by fejoa, Mar 19, 2016 at 5:21 pm
While generating characters to see if bones ghosts look okay, found an arcanite chain mail and a pair of broken mithril boots of kicking in UT2.
Posted by fejoa, Mar 18, 2016 at 4:47 am
The wiki almost needs a diagram to show how materials are related.
Posted by fejoa, Mar 17, 2016 at 5:36 am
Sad face. I think it might've been an incompatible save file? If you have a saved game, and you create a new character with the same name as the saved character, then IVAN will just load the saved game.
Was it for example, an old character created with 0.50.3 and reloaded with 0.50.4?
Posted by fejoa, Mar 17, 2016 at 5:29 am
Cool sprites! What does the character look like when he wears them?
Posted by fejoa, Mar 17, 2016 at 5:24 am
Ighalli wrote
Fejoa, I think titanium should definitely be in, but maybe not in the iron/steel/adamant line. Maybe Bronze shouldn't harden into iron but rather to a new line of rustproof metals which are weaker than equivalent rustable alloys? Of course, as far as putting a rustproof metal into the steel line, there is real life stainless steel...

I really don't like damascus steel as stronger than meteoric. The meteoric implies that it's somehow better than mere earthly materials. How about something like:

Pig iron (something worse than iron that can rust) -> Iron -> Steel -> Dwarven/Irinox/Foo Steel -> Meteoric Steel -> Adamant
and also
Lead -> Copper -> Bronze -> Djinn Brass -> Titanium (probably missing at least 1 level here)

I concede that it would be good to expand the copper material chain, and to that end, titanium should find its place in there as a high-end technical material, along with Djinn brass as you suggest. It is good to separate the iron alloys out from that material branch.
I noticed the proposed titanium material is quite similar to mithril, but of course, mithril belongs in a separate line of noble materials. It is nice for players to have the option of hardening to a superior material without needing to change material lines.

In light of Erno's teachings, can I suggest the following iron alloy material chain: pig iron -> iron -> steel -> meteoric steel -> wootz steel -> adamant ?
Posted by fejoa, Mar 16, 2016 at 5:53 am
J_Kahvi wrote
A possible advantage of energy use is that you don't have to conflict your enemy in order to project bad energies at them. Therefore you can project bad energies at other characters before attacking them and causing them to become enemies. That is to say, characters could be neutral in the physical world yet belligerent in the energy world. Although too much bad energy projection might be a sufficient cause for conflict in itself.

I wonder how frequently you can make a move? I notice when Izzy appears on the level, you pretty much get bombed straight away. It would be cooler if you have to align your chakras to do assymetrical energy fight with NPCs on the level. It doesn't need to be fatal outcome either.

Does J_kahvi have any good research papers or writings about metaphysics relating to his research?
Posted by fejoa, Mar 16, 2016 at 5:36 am
I'm unsure about adding 'Titanium' to the materials. Though I agree there should be a new iron alloy material with an int requirement of around 25. My reasoning is that there is certainly a material distinctly missing from the iron alloys between meteoric steel and adamant, and that it would be unusual for meteoric steel to suddenly harden into a material invulnerable to rust, only to harden again into adamant which can rust again.
In the past, 'damascus steel' was added to some of the variants, and I think this material would be suitably placed between meteoric steel and adamant.
The only snag is 'damascus' refers to a place not above Valpurus, so we might like to describe it with another place name like Irinox, or Bazaria, or somewhere else?
The stats for titanium appear okay for use in an iron alloy type material.

I want to know what the resident blacksmith thinks.
Posted by fejoa, Mar 15, 2016 at 5:56 am
4zb4 wrote
Not sure making a subclass of a general ghost will work because they're not humanoids.
As for the current playerkind ones, I'm not sure there's functions for hotswapping their hair colours (you could be lazy and just make it white) but we already have humanoids that can spawn without certain limbs - e.g. Hunters in Attnam are missing an arm.
Could be a place to start looking. I might take a look at it myself.

Well, I meant the new humanoid ghosts will actually be the new generic ghosts, which spawn in these random configs, and then a bones ghost will be of a class derived from the new humanoid ghosts. They will only be spawned when the player dies, with information about limbs, hair and eye colour etc recorded and saved, in the way you mentioned.
It needs to be done this way, because the player looks different depending on int, wis and arm strength. The ghost needs to have its own functions for retrieving the bitmap positions of arms and head in the same way as the player character, to better reflect what the player from the bones file looked like.
Ultimately I'd like to do some really complicated stuff by recording armor and weapons and making ghost copies of these using ghost materials. The ghost items disappear when the ghost gets sucked into hell.
Also, if the player was decapitated, then the ghost should carry his head around.
Posted by fejoa, Mar 15, 2016 at 5:41 am
chaostrom wrote

Ha! Classic chaostrom