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Posted by fejoa, Apr 11, 2016 at 7:05 am
Erno is in Bosnia D: I hope he can check up on us from time to time.
Posted by fejoa, Apr 9, 2016 at 4:38 pm
I'd like to participate if there is a group of us willing to do it. I know Cap and Ighalli have been around since the old days so they would be the best candidates. In fact, Ighalli is probably the closest person to an original dev we have here.
Posted by fejoa, Mar 27, 2016 at 6:48 pm
Oops. I updated the notes, thanks for the heads-up
Posted by fejoa, Mar 27, 2016 at 6:06 am
4zb4 wrote
If possible I'd like to get malachite's neat band pattern to show up in-game but I don't think that's possible for golems and items.

You might be able to create banding purposefully by exploiting the gradient in the m-colours, and maybe abusing some of these techniques.

Malachite and galvorn sound good to me.
Posted by fejoa, Mar 27, 2016 at 5:57 am
capristo wrote
Can we get a new Windows release?

And so here it is, a windows binary for IVAN 0.50.5.
Posted by fejoa, Mar 26, 2016 at 1:37 pm
capristo wrote
Looks like this was merged into master, awesome! Can we get a new Windows release?

It would make sense, three months since the last release and all. I'll get onto it today.
Posted by fejoa, Mar 25, 2016 at 8:05 pm
Ok, so here's the latest on this development front.

I battled the source trying to change the bone's ghost hair and eye color for two weeks, not realising that I was attempting this for a long time with uninitialized data. Sad but true.
The solution was this, which I am uneasy about, but should work as expected, as long as a bones ghost is not spawned elsewhere, which is impossible.

The main changes are:

Changed config "GHOST" gas type material colour to RGB(200, 200, 255).
Created a humanoid "bonesghost" which is a derived class of a humanoid spirit.
Game creates a bonesghost rather than a character::ghost.
Old-style nonhumanoid type ghosts can no longer be generated, but are still hanging out vestigally in the code.
SPOILER ALERT. Click here to see text.
Reinstated the function where the bonesghost hovering above its own corpse will be resurrected into a friendly bones pet when hit by a blast from a wand of resurrection.

Spirits do not pick up and equip gear and weapons.
SPOILER ALERT. Click here to see text.
Spirits cannot be polymorphed above 100 HP, as with first-generation ghosts from before.

Bonesghosts cannot be polymorphed.
Importantly, the bones ghost will retain the hair color, eye color, head and left/right arm bitmap positions, thereby retaining the appearance of the bone file player character.
Spirit limbs cannot be hacked off.
Spirit "touches" you, for now...
Posted by fejoa, Mar 23, 2016 at 4:55 pm
Ernomouse wrote
Aww, there's nothing wrong with the word wootz. It's just the spelling that's a little unorthodox! =P

To be honest, I'm not opposed to wootz.
Posted by fejoa, Mar 22, 2016 at 5:14 am
Awesome! This will be fun to read. I've got a copy of Zen staring at me on my bookshelf. Read it back in engineering school days. Still need to find a copy of Lila.
Posted by fejoa, Mar 21, 2016 at 5:42 pm
What about ukku steel?