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Posted by fejoa, Jun 5, 2016 at 11:51 pm
capristo wrote
Love it! Great work!

I know right? I'm working on a guide on the wiki right now
Posted by fejoa, Jun 5, 2016 at 8:51 pm
Well, after some work, here it is:

I finally figured out how to populate the worldmap in the right way. You start with the main continent and work through the available locations you sampled. Then you join up the terrain type of the available location with the dungeon you need to place, by iterating through the entire list of dungeons. Then you eliminate those locations which are occupied, and those dungeons which have been placed. Then move on to the next nearest continent until you run out of continents.

Below is a screenie showing the diversity of terrains on which you can place the locations (they all look like New Attnam in this example).

Ok, so what does this all mean?

This means in IVAN 0.50.6, you will be able to add your own dungeons on the worldmap, using the script files alone!!!
Posted by fejoa, Jun 5, 2016 at 8:40 pm
Serin-Delaunay wrote
Every time you look at a visible tile, there is a 1 in 10,000 chance of seeing a frog eating a magnolia.

Here it is
Posted by fejoa, Jun 1, 2016 at 6:21 am
Serin-Delaunay wrote
Every time you look at a visible tile, there is a 1 in 10,000 chance of seeing a frog eating a magnolia.

I've had that message once I wonder what it refers to?
Posted by fejoa, May 29, 2016 at 7:27 am
I have been doing more; this weekend I built some machinery for collecting data into vectors of structs (not sure if this is efficient). I transplanted some code normally used for the prototype system, and it rather unexpectedly worked "right out of the box". Not exactly "flow", but a pleasing experience nonetheless.
I very nearly have something ready to deploy to the main line of development. I think it will be another weekend before I can do this. My current problem is to find the best way of filling the available spaces with locations according to a combination of terrain type, proximity to Attnam and what continent. I figure I will find a way of filling up all the available spaces on the main Attnam continent first. Then once it is full, then move to the next nearest available spaces, even if they are on another continent. It's a real pain because you can get underflow and overflow if the number of terrain types differ greatly between available types and the types to be placed on the world map. I may just have to be expedient and make some stern simplifications. The next adventure is how to use c++'s Erase-remove idiom to remove those vector elements of locations that have already been placed.

After all this I'll need to make a how-to guide for adding new dungeons without compiling.

I am toying with the idea of adding a new swamp terrain type called "morass". Does anyone want to draw a picture of it?
For that matter, would anyone object to new drawings of the world terrains? There's no deadline... Azba? blob?
Posted by fejoa, May 25, 2016 at 3:09 pm
Serin-Delaunay wrote
Sometimes I have a burning item with a tiny bit of liquid on it, and I have to wait for that to evaporate before I can soak it properly. Dwarves' books are especially prone to this. Silva's rain is very unreliable for putting out fires, especially of inventory items. If I'm forced to use it, I seem to have more success dropping items on the floor than wearing them.

Yep, the rain works best when you lay the burning items on the floor, individually and not stacked. I don't think the rain ever makes it to your inventory. Not sure how this can be improved.
I know about not being able to dip things with fluid already on them. I don't know how best to tackle that. Have you tried vomiting on it?
Posted by fejoa, May 25, 2016 at 5:56 am
I love that this win is in the dev version! Good thinking using the acid explosion, it must've taken some patience and careful planning. Did you get hassled by the fire system? Frightened by ghosts?
Did you find the application stable enough or were there moments when you feared the game might break at any minute?
Posted by fejoa, May 22, 2016 at 7:17 am
This weekend I was busy porting the poisson disk sampling algorithm from a python model to c++. I learnt that the std::vector type is a good proxy for a python list, because you can use push_back() and pop_back() to add or remove things from the vector in much the same way as you would use append() in python, and much more besides. I was also reminded that the ^ operator is the logical XOR in c++, and not raising to the power (stupid matlabthink).

We're getting closer to making it possible to contribute dungeons, just check out the attached file! I committed the code for posterity, but it is quite scrappy so I will tidy it up as I come up with a way to integrate the sampler with actual user-defined dungeons (the easy part).
Posted by fejoa, May 20, 2016 at 9:54 pm
Serin-Delaunay wrote
So for the first time I actually checked one of these ESPable golems with a stethoscope. Turns out the visibility condition hasn't changed, it somehow got bonus points of int, wis, per, cha. Which is still pretty mysterious. I zipped a copy of the savefile.
This doesn't seem to happen when summoning enemy golems, reading scrolls of golem creation, or polymorphing into a golem in wizmode. reading several scrolls of wishing will train your intelligence up to 5, but I don't think our jasper friend here did that.

I wonder if the monster generator has increased the attributes of the golem after generation? The generator can do this to player ghosts to increase their base attributes relative to the deceased.
Posted by fejoa, May 20, 2016 at 6:35 pm
JoKe wrote
Social creatures would be a neat addition, instead of having every NPC act as an individual only. Even simple group behaviour similar to player pets for things like orc patrols or wolf packs could go a long way.

This would be super cool, orc patrols could have pet dogs or wolves!

red_kangaroo wrote
I really really like the way monsters use wands against you in CLIVAN. Especially the goblin warlocks, with their wands of door creation, acid rain and teleportation are deliciously aggravating.

I remember coding this, it seemed to work okay. The main problems with what I wrote was that it was possibly inefficient, and that the warlocks would zap the wand or throw an item as often as they could, which was quite often too quick. Monsters that can zap or throw would need a "time since last zap" to make it fairer on the player. Plus the algorithm didn't check if there was a wall in the way, so the monster would just throw things at the wall while the player was behind it. That said, it could still be improved upon.