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Posted by fejoa, Jun 27, 2016 at 6:19 am
Did any of your stats go up?
Posted by fejoa, Jun 23, 2016 at 6:24 am
Seges will remove burns if the player is satiated or above. Otherwise Seges will fill your stomach. This seems a little bit undocumented - like how many of the gods would the player need to pray to just to find this out?

Burnt limbs are unbalanced right now. It's a dreadful mistake. It should have a slight/moderately/heavily burnt effect of only 5, 10 and 15 % rather than the 25, 50 and 75 % we have at the moment.

I agree burnt and burning limbs should show up on the mannekin, it would be a quick way to see what is going wrong rather than keeping an eye on the message box all the time.

Priestesses and Priests ought to be able to heal burns, but this has not been implemented yet.

I put up the suggestions on github
Posted by fejoa, Jun 22, 2016 at 7:11 am
I agree 100%. It would be good to have a generalized framework to unlock new destinations using script files, but at the moment it is something that still needs coding.
I will at some point add some options in the configuration menu to tweak the world generation algorithm to select continents in a range of larger sized continents. At the moment the Attnam continent can be between 25 and 1000 tiles big. A 25 tile continent is silly nowadays, because it is very likely to be too small for the sampler to pick up positions on the continent to put user-defined dungeons. And so currently the user-defined dungeons (like the one we are designing in this thread) will simply appear on another continent, for which you will need the spoily martial arts prize to reach, or some spoily funghi. If we have lots of dungeons (in an unlikely and dystopic future) then we may need to resort to a pangea.

Now that I think about it, if there's a dungeon you REALLY want to play and haven't done so yet, then I guess you could turn off all the other dungeons and so the last remaining dungeon would therefore guaranteed the nearest spot to Attnam town.

But I digress a little. Yep, some framework for unlocking new places, and for that matter, changing the story state, would need to be implemented at some point.
Posted by fejoa, Jun 21, 2016 at 6:53 am
chaostrom wrote
I didn't mean allow access to both GC and ToX, I meant have Petrus give one or the other after you deliver the scroll. Or would that actually be harder to implement?

This is an important point chao now that you mention it, I hadn't thought of it in any depth yet. That would be straightforward to implement, plus it would make sense because the player is specifically instructed to deliver the scroll to Petrus. If there was a rumour system in which the player could stumble upon engravings or get the info by talking with plebs, then the player could learn about going to the Attnamese catacomb and talking to the prisoner there. Otherwise the player would need to learn this by some other means. With the status quo, the player would be unable to learn how to get to the Tomb without reading the wiki, which is bad design. So we will have to think of a way to introduce this into the game.
I'm a fan of simple, and getting the option from Petrus would be the more straightforward way, but it wouldn't preclude finding another way, or changing it later, because we are devs
Posted by fejoa, Jun 20, 2016 at 6:23 am
chaostrom wrote
It better taste like snow and justice!

Like a potential victory gone sour at the hands of Petrus and the Justifier D:
Posted by fejoa, Jun 20, 2016 at 6:13 am
chaostrom wrote
Firstly, is there a need to swap out the encrypted scroll? Is it not enough to have Petrus give you a different mission?

This was my go-to idea for determining how the player can gain access to the Tomb, seeing as the encrypted scroll is the item that causes GC to be revealed on the world map. The reason for swapping the scroll is that in CLIVAN you could reach all the locations and get access to loads of loot, and so players would much more easily end up with a stacked character and the opportunity to kill a lot more monsters than in vanilla IVAN, which posed less of a challenge for power players. If GC and the tomb are mutually exclusive, then the player has a choice to make about which dungeon she would like to pursue.
I haven't got my heart set on a particular control flow or victory conditions just yet, so I'm open to ideas and suggestions, like this one below:

chaostrom wrote
Secondly, that friendly necromancer idea above is giving me ideas about recruiting the chaos forces instead and marching in on Attnam at the head of an army.

I like this because it is likely that the chaos guys would be interested in getting any intel on Attnam and its military movements, so giving the scroll to the necromancer in the dungeon would make sense (albeit he's locked in a dungeon). Maybe he offers some reward (higher victory condition) for recruiting the chaos army and busting him out?

EDIT: Not being able to resist a challenge, I thought I would go about making a generic maze creation algorithm. I've got something that works, but it's pretty scrappy, but now that I have it going, I can make it less experimental and more robust. See attached image for in-game results.
Posted by fejoa, Jun 17, 2016 at 1:58 pm
capristo wrote
I checked out the XinrochTomb branch from git so that I can play it as the updates come along. What's the current status - is there a way to get there yet? I didn't see it on the map after delivering the encrypted scroll yet.

It should automatically come up on the world map without needing to deliver the scroll. It will be set on a snow tile near to Attnam. If the continent is too small then it will appear on another continent. The picture resembles a small gray brick. Let me know if you find it
Posted by fejoa, Jun 17, 2016 at 5:29 am
red_kangaroo wrote
Enner children! Yay!

I never thought of making them enner children... twins I could easily make another config for the enner beast.

chaostrom wrote
Nah, that'd take the fun out of it Cap. Let 'em spawn randomly everywhere unless they're the boss of the dungeon.

I want to be able to swap the encrypted scroll for the tomb's location, which would lock out gloomy caves. The NPCs would still appear in the tomb as per GC. There would need to be a check to see if Xinroch has spawned yet, and by the time you reach a certain level in the tomb, then he would make a guaranteed appearance. After that, his ghost shows up... This is all coded behaviour, but will be like icing on the cake. First, the nuts and bolts of the dungeon, like color, texture and layout.
Posted by fejoa, Jun 16, 2016 at 4:35 am
Serin-Delaunay wrote
Whether the enner beast screams on a given turn seems to be quite complex. Normally it has a one in 3 chance to scream, which approximately makes a Poisson process.
If it is panicked it won't scream, unless it's cornered, in which case it will scream every time it takes a turn. I haven't investigated IVAN's energy system, but it seems that the enner beast can take multiple actions (moving and screaming) on the same turn. Moving takes the standard 1000AP, but screaming takes 1,000,000 divided by its bite skill bonus. So if the bite bonus is not more than ~10,000, there should be a significant delay after each scream, making it not quite a Poisson process.
In summary, there's a minimum number of ticks between screams (which is more than the time it takes to move), and no maximum (but smaller delays are more likely than longer delays).

I love this post! Poisson processes are like the time between incidences of radioactive decay. I wonder if the devs did this on purpose?
Posted by fejoa, Jun 13, 2016 at 7:17 am
slob wrote
Ha, Still learning. I never knew ghosts were Enner-immune.

Reminds me the self-polymorph into a ghost thing needs to be tested. What does the player character look like as a new ghost?

Hi slob!