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Posted by chaostrom, Nov 5, 2016 at 11:15 pm
I knew telefragging would come up again. Too amusing an idea, too many potential outcomes for a game like IVAN. For maximum fun, we could probably have multiple outcomes depending on various stats. Like, if your strength is high enough but your int isn't, you can frag them but end up with monster parts (and if you have polymorph control, you can choose, maybe), or if your int is high enough but your strength isn't, you just displace them entirely. If you're lacking in both strength and int, you get fragged yourself, while if your stats are borderline, both get partially fragged. Whereas the size difference could be overcome with endurance perhaps.
Posted by chaostrom, Nov 5, 2016 at 11:08 pm
Nice run, that was entertaining.
Posted by chaostrom, Nov 4, 2016 at 12:45 am
This looks pretty good. I'm Sticking it next to my weapon comparisons.
Posted by chaostrom, Nov 3, 2016 at 1:16 am
If you ask me the answer isn't to remove it, as this is most certainly a deliberate feature, but rather to implement ways to supplement alternative fighting styles that cater to your strengths.
Posted by chaostrom, Nov 2, 2016 at 12:55 am

Yeah, no. I'm not weighing in on this, but I just wanna say this.

The PC was raised by hippos, and you routinely butcher and eat various creatures including humanoids like gibberlings. One could argue that as a wild-child the PC might be able to differentiate sex better than anyone. Alternatively you could argue that precisely because of the lack of education the PC goes around assuming people's genders, right or wrong. There's no need to get super technical about pronoun usage because it can be argued either way. Let's not forget that the very premise of the game isn't politically correct.
Posted by chaostrom, Nov 1, 2016 at 1:27 am
I think that might be intentional...?
Posted by chaostrom, Oct 29, 2016 at 12:23 am
It was less about making shrapnel and more about making big blasts more dangerous. People often make a big piles of explosives, why not add all the countless weapons we find as well and make it even more dangerous? Though if you want, I guess we could add shrapnel and have more variety of mines.
Posted by chaostrom, Oct 28, 2016 at 12:19 am
fejoa wrote
Like shrapnel? Lumps of steel for instance?

Yes, exactly like shrapnel.
Posted by chaostrom, Oct 27, 2016 at 1:24 am
Ischaldirh	Another code-based question: I see that chests in items.dat have a DamageDivider line. I am just curious how this works - does this take container material hardness into account in any way?
4zb4	Had a quick look. Damage divider seems to only affect the contents of the chest, reducing the damage the items within receive and therefore how likely they are to break
4zb4	Strength value of the chest itself comes into play with the lock, so a tougher chest naturally has a tougher lock to break.
4zb4	Therefore the material the chest is made of only affects how likely you are to break its lock, whereas damage divider reduces the likelihood of items inside the chest breaking when the chest itself receives damage
Ischaldirh	Interesting. So if I turned my large chest into cloth, I could halve it's empty weight without endangering the contents.
Ischaldirh	Not perhaps the best use of an SoCM, but
Batman?	interesting, so instead of wasting a socm or charge from a wand of poly you could just wield the hard to open hidden chests and pray to an angry loricatus, this making them easier to kick open?
Serin-Delaunay	Yes. But making Loricatus angry might offset the value of the chest's treasure in the short-to-mid-term.
Serin-Delaunay	I'd rather lose 1/25 of a polymorph charge than 10-40 hours of metal upgrades
capristo	polymorph? I'm not seeing how polymorph would help soften a chest
Serin-Delaunay	I think Batman? was thinking of getting at chest contents rather than lightening chests for transport.
capristo	oh.. what happens if you polymorph a chest that has stuff in it?
Serin-Delaunay	Try it!
fejoa	Lightning chests?
4zb4	No. Nobody get any ideas from that statement please. No thank you.
fejoa	:D 
Ischaldirh	I would like to see more traps in the game.
Serin-Delaunay	Lightening. Making them lighter :D 
fejoa	Ok then, how about a lightening chest?

fejoa	Lightning chests?
4zb4	No. Nobody get any ideas from that statement please. No thank you.

What if... Backpacks and mines functioned as containers. Anything inside it is "thrown" from the explosion when it goes off.
Posted by chaostrom, Oct 27, 2016 at 1:21 am
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