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Posted by capristo, Jul 26, 2013 at 11:04 pm
I don't know how well crowdfunding for IVAN would go, just being realistic

I think we're all agreed that whoever out of us is the first to be a millionaire will fund IVAN development themselves though. Right?
Posted by capristo, Jul 26, 2013 at 12:34 pm
Nice game

I don't think you can clone ommel fluids though. At least not the bottles? Maybe the cerumen

Also I don't think wearing 2 rings of fire resistance helps anymore than wearing 1, somebody correct me if I'm wrong

Stihdjia wrote
I did learn a little about the gods though. After getting armor from Atavus, I successfully went evil enough to get Neerc Seulb by eating several human corpses, going on to become good again with mass lantern sacrifices to Legifer

Good point about eating corpses. Is there related behavior that you can do to gradually become more lawful?
Posted by capristo, Jul 24, 2013 at 3:25 pm
I think the only non-human zombie heads I've seen were dwarves
Posted by capristo, Jul 23, 2013 at 9:41 am
To get the chaotic alignment, the next best thing after books is to find altars and offer sacrifices for items they would like. This can get you there pretty quickly.

Thanks Eagle The space/bandwidth is actually incredibly cheap... I have several dozen GB of photos stored between my various websites and it's only about $3 per month. The main downside with attachments is you can't add them inline with text... yet
Posted by capristo, Jul 22, 2013 at 5:18 pm
Trying this. Seems like I can't wish for armor without it being "of great health"

What do you do when you're bloated?

Also, can I wear this ring of poison resistance?

Update: that high Endurance wasn't helping. Hattifattener + Kamikaze dwarf in UT2 offed me. Kind of a gruesome challenge! Lots of blood and vomit everywhere
Posted by capristo, Jul 21, 2013 at 6:35 pm
Taking OCD to the next level

Update: Suffered basically the same fate as Erno, stuck on UT3, not allowed to leave because of OCD and not allowed to heal because of ADHD, surrounded by plants
Posted by capristo, Jul 21, 2013 at 6:23 pm
Well I had one really lame one so far where charisma was the only high stat. Died before I even got hungry.

New one has Alcohol Dependent, Dyslexia, ADHD, Savant, and OCD. Guess I should be careful what i wish for
Posted by capristo, Jul 20, 2013 at 9:51 pm
Whoa.. geez! After all these years, still learning new things about IVAN. I did not know you could break open couches

Lots of good ideas. The "self-inserts" would be awesome... probably not appealing to anyone outside this forum, but maybe you could do that for scripting practice
Posted by capristo, Jun 5, 2013 at 2:25 am
hmm. Well, regardless, I feel like the AoLS gets less useful the further you get into the game. I guess if you're just fighting Rondol it would be simple enough to teleport him away immediately after and get your gear back on, but when you're on the mage level, you'd be killed again before you could blink
Posted by capristo, Jun 4, 2013 at 11:10 pm
Batman? wrote
where did you move to?

From Chicago to Lake Bluff, IL (an hour north). Way happier here, much cheaper too

Batman? wrote
Arrrghhhh!!!! dead again. killed by richel decos by playing too fast. With a AoLS in my pack not being worn. SO ANNOYING!!!!!!!

AoLS have never been of any use to me. I usually try to pick up and equip all my armor again, I should probably teleport the enemy or myself away first. But when you die you lose all your inventory right? So the enemies I'm fighting will still probably kill me again in the time it takes to even pick up a wand of teleport that was dropped