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Posted by capristo, Aug 16, 2013 at 6:01 am
chaostrom, yes he does fix broken bottles and fill them with liquid.
Posted by capristo, Aug 15, 2013 at 7:40 pm
Loricatus + Mellis is usually what I do. Mellis's liquids are great, and Loricatus if you're having a hard time finding an artifact weapon, he's great for at least turning your ordinary iron mace into a nice meteoric steel one
Posted by capristo, Aug 14, 2013 at 6:50 pm
I've always wondered about the best way to get rid of an artificial limb. Last time, i had one made of some type of fabric, so I went to the wolf level without any boot on that leg and it got bitten off pretty quickly.

That's pretty clever though, I never thought about praying to Loricatus to intentionally get free banana flesh!
Posted by capristo, Aug 6, 2013 at 1:44 pm
Shoot, I've been doing it backwards then. I always tried to save troll blood for emergencies.
Posted by capristo, Aug 6, 2013 at 11:34 am
What's the difference? Is one of them more powerful, or more helpful in regenerating limbs?
Posted by capristo, Aug 6, 2013 at 11:34 am
Do they spawn based on your relationships with the gods?
Posted by capristo, Aug 2, 2013 at 2:48 pm
hahaha. Awesome. The dark knight thing and the headline
Posted by capristo, Aug 1, 2013 at 12:42 pm
I think you can defeat Xinroch
Posted by capristo, Jul 31, 2013 at 12:07 pm
Both of those guys have better Perception than you + Infravision, that's why they were able to follow you. Others might have ESP + high intelligence.

70-80 HP with good equipment seems like enough for them to be spawned. The game I was just playing, I think I had 87 HP and Sherry was spawned and killed me before I even realized she was there (I had phoenix feather & mithril equipment, 2 whips of thievery +11, and ommel hair limbs).

In my experience, bosses are usually spawned at a point BEFORE you are ready for them. Where you would die instantly if you tried to take them on. There would be no challenge if you were ready for a boss when s/he first appeared.

Best instinct is to run, hang around the previous levels for a while, then go back. Lots of tactics on the forum for dealing with them, I usually go with a row of mithril bear traps.
Posted by capristo, Jul 27, 2013 at 11:04 pm
Usually when I find myself in a bad situation, I just try to hack my way out of it and end up dying. You'd think after beating the game several times I'd know to keep cool when bad things happen, but nope. I have tactics for dealing with expected bad situations, but the unexpected ones always get me, especially early in the game when I feel like "oh well I can just start over"

I was in GC2, had a decent character who had been really lucky so far. Helm of Understanding, decent equipment, permanent telecontrol from blink dogs, horn of bravery. The only thing he was missing was boots

Ran into a nasty orc who must have had an enchanted weapon. With no boots, my legs were quickly dismembered, but I kept hacking away as usual and found myself with only 1 arm, panicked, orc, mutant bunny, and blink dog all surrounding me.

This time I realized I should actually try to figure a way out of this. I broke my wand of teleport, and since I had telecontrol, stayed where I was knowing that the other guys would disappear. Then blew the horn of bravery. I had no healing liquids... tried rubbing my lamp which i had been saving just in case, but unfortunately no genie. Prayed to Legifer and Atavus and got 2 limbs but was still missing a leg (and the other was made of glass). I tried running for the staircase but by then the bad guys had caught up again. I polymorphed the bunny... into a mistress. Oops. Then the wand was out of charges, so I broke it. I transformed into a werewolf, orc I think was unaffected. But as a werewolf I was able to escape. Unfortunately just as I was reaching the other staircase I met a real werewolf, who finshed me off.

It was a good learning experience though I've never gone to such desperate lengths to save a character this early in the game before.