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Posted by capristo, Aug 16, 2016 at 11:21 pm
If you go to the Downloads page, and click on the version number (v0506, etc.) it will take you to the GitHub release and each release has a changelog with it.

Or just go to the GitHub releases page
Posted by capristo, Jul 1, 2016 at 11:13 am
I love it!

I think that rivers are where IVAN's block graphics style fall a little short.. I wish there were a way to make the edge of the river smoother. Not requesting that right now, just wishful thinking.
Posted by capristo, Jun 22, 2016 at 8:41 pm
That's rough.

Yeah the other guy I figured was screwed. I didn't even realize his legs were still burning. I think the body map on the top right should indicate if something is on fire more visibly. Doesn't have to be animated flames, but I was thinking maybe pulsing orange? And then after the flames have gone out, another indicator to show that it's burnt. I'm not sure which of Beebelbrod's legs is burnt

Also I think it'd be good to have some kind of salve or ointment that you could use to heal burns. Maybe not fully, but 90% healed

Would also be good to have someone in at least one of the towns who can heal them, like the priestess heals leprosy.
Posted by capristo, Jun 22, 2016 at 5:58 pm
Is it possible to heal burned limbs?

I have one character who is stressed because one leg is burned so badly

Another who is stuck in the world map because both legs have been rendered useless
Posted by capristo, Jun 17, 2016 at 4:21 pm
Scroll of wishing in a room with Atavus's altar in UT2

I may have squandered it on a whip of thievery. Also found an oil lamp on UT3 but didn't get a chance to try it

Unfortunately Genetrix broke my whip of thievery. That was the only weapon in my inventory. I was then surrounded by the blue carnivorous plants with nothing to fight with (and no Loricatus to pray to). I was able to pull a scroll of teleportation out of my inventory and read it, but then took the wrong path back to the UT2 staircase. I turned around to take the correct path but got surrounded again and killed
Posted by capristo, Jun 17, 2016 at 10:40 am
I checked out the XinrochTomb branch from git so that I can play it as the updates come along. What's the current status - is there a way to get there yet? I didn't see it on the map after delivering the encrypted scroll yet.
Posted by capristo, Jun 13, 2016 at 2:50 pm
Is there a certain delay between screams? Between X and Y turns?

I've always just detected his flesh and then used fireballs. Except 1 of my victories where I meleed him because he was right next to the staircase. Wands of striking don't seem as effective against him
Posted by capristo, Jun 12, 2016 at 8:32 pm
So if Xinroch has his own place, and Sherry and Golgor Dhan might eventually too, does that mean you would never run into them randomly in GC anymore?
Posted by capristo, Jun 10, 2016 at 11:14 am
Would joining him to his flesh and fighting him in all 3 forms be an alternative way to defeat him for more points? vs. just fighting him as skeleton

I love most of the ideas, but the penguins seems kinda cheesy
Posted by capristo, Jun 8, 2016 at 11:09 pm
Haha sounds about right. Although hopefully now with dungeon scripting the releases will come more frequently!