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Posted by capristo, Oct 9, 2016 at 8:54 pm
I will also probably be getting rid of the screennames (MSN, AIM, etc.) unless anybody wants me to keep them

They haven't been editable for a while anyway
Posted by capristo, Oct 9, 2016 at 8:45 pm
You can now connect your Steam account to your profile

Just click your name in the top right and go to "Edit profile"

This is simple Open ID, not OAuth, which means I don't store a token or anything, and I can't do anything with your account. All it does is prove who you are and that way I can link to your profile.
Posted by capristo, Oct 9, 2016 at 9:17 am
Finally fixed showing announcements at the top of every forum

I just realized CLIVAN is missing from the variants page. I need to fix the downloads so that Warheck can upload a copy of it there
Posted by capristo, Oct 6, 2016 at 5:45 pm
Well I just meant leather as an example of a flexible item. I feel like I see tons of shattered glass, as others have mentioned. Lots of exploding wands. But I guess I never paid close enough attention to the flexible stuff.
Posted by capristo, Oct 6, 2016 at 9:23 am
Ischaldirh wrote
That sounds complicated. I was going to suggest that flexible material items themselves would resist sound damage (flapping around instead of shattering), but would not protect the player. Sounds like more work than it's worth. Though similar code would allow for i.e. boots that wouldn't be destroyed by walking in acid.

I thought that was already the case? I have never seen leather items break from the Enner's screams
Posted by capristo, Oct 5, 2016 at 10:37 am
I didn't think anybody would use the split feature besides me

There's an admin button which resets all of the reply counters, dates, etc. for every thread. Last time I split the thread I just pushed that button after, and just did it now to fix all of those issues
Posted by capristo, Oct 1, 2016 at 4:30 pm
Yes, getting the arcanite and making Seges happy were great moves. I've probably made it harder for the next person since our danger level will increase with all the equipment boosts
Posted by capristo, Oct 1, 2016 at 3:53 pm
I've got next. Not sure if it's good or bad that I'm following JoKe...

SPOILER ALERT. Click here to see text.
Basically extremely lucky character, found some really nice loot and boosted our gear.

The room that JoKe stopped beside with the door closed contained a broken Saal'thul! Might make a nice secondary weapon when we get more arm strength

Found a lighter and stronger pick axe
Found scroll of charging!
Found leather cloak of electricity resistance
Encountered a blink dog but he died in an explosion and didn't seem to reproduce
Encountered a chameleon, fortunately only turned into a skeleton


Found scroll of wishing! Wished for gauntlets of dexterity. Later I would find a pair , oh well
Found scroll of change material
-- 7000 turns --
Belt was a good call as a skunk just set off a mine on a step I was on earlier
Found wand of polymorph
Found scroll of repair
Decided to make use of some of our scrolls and wands.
Used 4 charges of mirroring (3 from one wand).
- Only read mirrored scrolls, saved the originals
- Repaired Saal'thul, mithril boots, and boots of agility
- Hardened boots, gauntlets, and cloak of electricity resistance to ommel hair
- Enchanted boots, gauntlets, belt, and Vermis
- Int is up to 16 after all the scrolls (from 12)

Have neglected prayer a bit but prayed to Seges and she's still pleased - filled me up and sent an Angel which I also dismissed
Found wand of resurrection
Found and drank ommel tears
Of course I find gauntlets of dexterity now

Next player will have to make some tough decisions on what to discard as our chest is too heavy to carry. I left it by the up staircase
Attached files
save4.tar.gz (1.7 MB)
Posted by capristo, Sep 30, 2016 at 12:35 pm
Oh, yeah, that's what I meant. Not immediately but probably before your limb dropped off
Posted by capristo, Sep 30, 2016 at 12:09 pm
I think if you actually contracted leprosy in real life, you'd be able to tell. So I agree with the messages being spaced out, but not too obvious.

I don't think I've ever seen my charisma drop from it. Maybe that should be more likely to occur (but you should get it back when you're healed)

And also agree with angels being immune