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Posted by capristo, Mar 31, 2010 at 11:17 pm
Haha, nice. The sad thing is if I hadn't read this topic I probably would have fallen for it tomorrow.
Posted by capristo, Mar 25, 2010 at 12:39 pm
Haha, damn. That's intense.
Posted by capristo, Mar 24, 2010 at 11:08 pm
Slizer wrote
Did you all feel that once you defeated a major opponent (the first plant boss for example) that it was a mental checkpoint that could be beaten fairly easy again?

I feel like each playthrough is a learning experience and that I expand my knowledge each time...

Yes, you definitely have a better idea of what to do the next time. Enner is a piece of cake for me now Ur Khan I can usually take care of eventually. Golgor Dhan I can usually escape from. I still panic whenever I see Sherry though. I've only beaten her once or maybe twice.
Posted by capristo, Mar 24, 2010 at 3:26 pm
Congrats. It's a big step
Posted by capristo, Mar 19, 2010 at 4:10 pm
Yes, it was a bad idea to go back into the Tunnel. Looks like you didn't get a response from anybody so you went back to investigate It's nice to know where the baddies are because then you know which places to avoid
Posted by capristo, Mar 12, 2010 at 5:14 pm
Yes door traps don't usually do much damage. Welcome to the site
Posted by capristo, Mar 2, 2010 at 4:40 pm
Yeah, healing liquid isn't very useful because it takes time to drink. So by the time you finish, he's already hurt you again, and probably destroyed some of your equipment as well.
Posted by capristo, Mar 1, 2010 at 4:43 pm
Mindmaker wrote
It is?
My character had to succumb to Danny in the end.
His first blow broke my mithril broad sword called Defender +7 and his secound critically hit my torso.

In regular IVAN, the first blow would have finished you off
Posted by capristo, Feb 27, 2010 at 8:13 pm
Mindmaker, did you teleport close to the enner, or just walk up to him?

I've meleed the enner a couple of times, but usually only if I appear on the level and he's already right nearby.
Posted by capristo, Feb 26, 2010 at 12:10 am
If I were you I would use the gauntlets of dexterity and boots of agility. Dex and Agi seem to me to be much harder to train than strength.

Forget the mace and the axe, you definitely don't want to be switching to an untrained weapon this late in the game. You could probably sell them for a lot if you haven't already drained the stores' money supplies.

The Golden Jaguar's poly and telecontrol and haste seem handy but I think in the long run the higher AV will be more useful... so I would wear the octiron.

I usually only keep a few wands of teleportation and maybe 1 or 2 offensive wands such as striking or fireballs. The rest of the wands I dump into a large chest on another level and keep them there. Out of the ones I am carrying, I keep all of them in a small chest except 1 wand of teleportation. That way you can teleport yourself or an enemy in case of dire need - you don't have to waste a turn removing it from the chest, during which a very powerful enemy could already kill you. The rest you should keep in the chest though, to make sure they don't explode