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Posted by capristo, Dec 1, 2014 at 5:00 pm
Nice work Batman? for identifying and Pent for investigating It always makes me happy to see a bug squashed
Posted by capristo, Dec 1, 2014 at 12:02 pm
Wait, the chameleon changed into a werewolf after it was defeated (dead)?
Posted by capristo, Nov 27, 2014 at 9:41 pm
In about 15 min I'll be judging people for going Black Friday shopping as I pull into the parking lot to go Black Friday shopping. My excuse is that I'm a bachelor with the nearest family 7 hours away so I have nothing better to do
Posted by capristo, Nov 25, 2014 at 1:01 am
Hmm, bold call to make so early in the game.
Posted by capristo, Nov 12, 2014 at 11:04 pm
What do you guys think about using Markdown instead of BBCode on the forum?


We're all used to BBCode but I think Markdown is more intuitive, especially for people who aren't into coding as much

For example to italicize, you simply *use asterisks*

For lists all you have to do is
* use
* asterisks
* like bullets

Posted by capristo, Nov 12, 2014 at 7:24 pm
Weird, on Chrome it worked perfectly fine for me. I changed the Intermediate certificate, can you try again?
Posted by capristo, Nov 10, 2014 at 5:46 pm
Ok I've recovered everything I could. Please see previous post and help salvage anything from your cache if you can

Completely recovered topics (I think), including attachments:

- Teleporting objects
- pictures thread
- peaceful massacre of Attnam

Shoutbox posts - the 35 most recent

mistress's fan art upload

The timestamps on all of that might be off because I'm not sure what timezone everybody who sent me cache files was in

Based on the database indexes I'm guessing we lost
- 4 new topics
- 51 posts
- 28 shoutbox posts

Again I really apologize. I can blame my friend for deleting everything but really if I had had the backup script running properly this shouldn't have been a big deal
Posted by capristo, Nov 10, 2014 at 4:09 pm
If you have Chrome and are able to, please check if you have any topics cached:

  • Open a new tab and go to the URL: chrome://cache/
  • Search for "" or ""
  • For any of these links, click and open in a new tab. It should show a bunch of random numbers and letters
  • Go to
  • Copy the entire page contents and paste them, and then download the cached file (should be in .gz format)
  • Mail these .gz files to

Thanks for the help.
Posted by capristo, Nov 10, 2014 at 4:06 pm
I am really sorry about this guys. Here is what happened

  • On Oct 24th, the server crashed and I had to recover the data. We didn't lose anything but I had to reset the daily backup script.
  • When I reset the backup script, unfortunately I set the /path/to the script incorrectly
  • I also forgot to tell it to MAILTO me whenever there was a cron error, which would have alerted me to the previous mistake
  • And then this past Friday, my friend from high school who I share this server with, accidentally deleted all of my MySQL databases.

This completely sucks because if any one of those four things had not happened it would have been fine. But because of the combination of all four, we've lost all posts, shoutbox posts, Wiki edits, and users from Oct 24 - Nov 7.

I think the only active user who joined during that time was mistress, and fortunately since she knows Alveradok, I emailed him to explain and ask her to rejoin.

Thanks to 4zb4, Eagle, and Erno, I have some cached copies of some of the active topics during that time which I will try to restore asap have restored.

In the meantime you can continue posting as usual. I'm going to also pay extra so that our host automatically creates daily backups of the entire server on top of my backup script.
Posted by capristo, Nov 7, 2014 at 10:37 pm
JoKe wrote
Doesn't matter, its team doesn't change back when the polymorph ends.
I was wondering more about the "not following" part. So even if it changes back to an eddy in the world map, it will still enter Attnam with you?

I was going to ask about hattifatteners in Attnam next but remembered this gem from Cerumen: