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Posted by capristo, Dec 14, 2007 at 3:59 pm
Um.. a) you don't want to find her, trust me,... b) she will find you
Posted by capristo, Dec 14, 2007 at 5:45 am
Zayre wrote
Not tested, but I think resurrecting someone makes them your pet... Maybe.
I've used this on mystic dark frogs and some other. But for some reason when I resurrected Sherarax she still tried to kill me.. luckily I had taken all her equipment though. I tried it a few times in fact, and ended up killing 5 Sheraraxes in one game

edit: Yes! I still have the screenshot
Posted by capristo, Dec 13, 2007 at 8:40 am
Yeah the spam forum is where all bad threads go to die.
I think Ksempac was saying 23 is a small number of members, and that we should clean up before more people come. I also kind of agree but I know lots of people in here like spamming, so as long as they keep it in the Spam forum it should be ok. Maybe I should make the spam forum hidden from guests?
Posted by capristo, Dec 12, 2007 at 6:07 pm
Hmm I just found out that zapping a wand of necromancy makes you more chaotic

What other little details have you guys discovered?
Posted by capristo, Dec 12, 2007 at 5:53 pm
Hmm I knew there was a good reason for it. Ok I'll create it again. I think I remember which topics were in there
Posted by capristo, Dec 12, 2007 at 11:58 am
I added the template {{Spoiler}} as well, although as you say it should be assumed that there are spoilers if it isn't tagged with Safe.
Posted by capristo, Dec 12, 2007 at 11:25 am
I dunno, that's how they were on Jconserv. I'll get rid of off topic and move all the threads into general
Posted by capristo, Dec 11, 2007 at 2:57 pm
You are making a few big mistakes

Get rid of the two rings. Searching is pointless since you have the belt of levitation. Fire resistance is useless regardless.

Instead wear invisibility & teleport control.

Then get a cloak of fire resistance and a cloak of elec resistance

Use the mirroring/cloning on your enchant/change material scrolls. Make all of your equipment the best possible (golden eagle feather and valpurium for everything). And enchant everything to +5 or even more if you can.

And lastly, get Turox and enchant it. Your iron mace +1 will do nothing against any of the named baddies. I would wish for it if that's the only way you can get it, it will be worth it. It will cause good damage and the explosions will kill of weak creatures that your cloak will protect you from.
Posted by capristo, Dec 11, 2007 at 2:51 pm
Cool, thanks Ksempac. The ESP from eating a floating eye is only temporary though, so I fixed that
Good idea with the spoiler vs. non-spoiler
Posted by capristo, Dec 10, 2007 at 7:03 pm
1 - if you are in a panicked state, it takes you out of that state (so that you can actually fight again)
2 - Yes, it will decay And there's nothing you can do about it
3 - No
4 - Yes, if you press "a" to "apply" a wand, it will break it. Basically, it's whatever normal effect it has, except instead of in a line, it does it in a square, and with more force. So if you break a wand of fireballs, it'll create a huge explosion... break a wand of teleport will teleport you and everything around you (items & monsters), polymorph will polymorph you and everything in the squares next to you, etc.
5 - That's because it's considered a cheat... the devs purposely don't let you change things into ommel excretions, they simply forgot to disable ommel cerumen.
6 - Just walk towards him as quickly as you can... if he leaps out of a corner at you, teleport yourself or him away (preferably yourself, that way you still know which general area he is in). Store all of your healing potions in cans, and drink them every time you turn red on your way over. Then zap him (2 shots with a fireballs wand usually finish him off for me)