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Posted by capristo, Jan 27, 2008 at 7:20 pm
Yep, here's a list:

0 - giant mushroom
5 - hedgehog
10 - large spider
25 - zombie
50 - mutant ass
75 - gibberling
100 - kobold lord
150 - blink dog
200 - wolf
250 - skeleton warrior
300 - goblin prince
400 - orc general
500 - elder dark mage
600 - angel
750 - archangel
Posted by capristo, Jan 26, 2008 at 8:39 pm
Ok, so, I was just thinking, for GC6 the zombie level, could you eat all of the zombie corpses or something, and at least put a dent in the number that appear? Or do you think the necromancers will summon them more quickly than you eat them?
Posted by capristo, Jan 25, 2008 at 11:29 am
Is there a reason it's up now and wasn't earlier? Did it go down for a while like Jconserv, or did somebody intentionally take it down and put it back up?
Don't have time now but I'll do what I can tomorrow
Posted by capristo, Jan 22, 2008 at 2:03 pm
I did on purpose, so that people could find these new ones. But anyways it's been almost 3 days since we've had a new bot, that new confirmation code thingy is working its magic
Posted by capristo, Jan 22, 2008 at 10:47 am
The eating a horde of blink dogs is definitely true, I've gotten permanent telecontrol that way, although I didn't realize it was an unintentional feature
Posted by capristo, Jan 20, 2008 at 6:27 pm
mistifilio wrote
About #1, permanent affects even bad ones can be removed by eating unicorn flesh. Different colors of unicorns have different effects. All unicorn flesh has bad effects so it is a matter of balance; I'd rather have all my stats permanently reduced, than keep perma-slow or perma-confusion. Other affects you didn't list include ESP, telecontol, levitating, infravision, and confusion
I didn't know that about unicorns. Which one removes Perma-slow? I've been perma-slowed before and it sucks
Posted by capristo, Jan 19, 2008 at 2:03 pm
Sorry, I accidentally deleted your user when I was removing spam bots so you will have to register again. Now all users must be approved by admin so hopefully this will not be an issue again
Posted by capristo, Jan 19, 2008 at 1:36 pm
I found a phpbb mod for reCaptcha, which is a great confirmation code that I use on my other website which hasn't had a spam bot in almost a year now. So that should stop them from coming. We might get one or two every month or so but I don't expect any more than that so it should be sufficient.

For the wiki since spambots are now going over there, I made it so that you have to be registered to edit articles. Sorry anonymous contributors
Posted by capristo, Jan 19, 2008 at 1:20 pm
My bad FMW.... nice, Zayre
Posted by capristo, Jan 17, 2008 at 9:33 pm
Actually I will go against everyone and say Saal'thul + whip. Vermis annoys me with all the random teleporting. Not so much of me since I can control it, but when you're fighting a powerful enemy and want to finish him off but then have to go looking for him again since Vermis teleported him, and by that time he's healed enough...