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Posted by capristo, Dec 17, 2007 at 10:55 am
Eating floating eye corpses also boosts your Int by a very tiny amount
Posted by capristo, Dec 16, 2007 at 7:29 pm
More tips
Belt of Levitation - a MUST. Of course, helps you avoid mines and traps, but also slime and dark frog blood which will destroy your boots. It also lets you set traps without worrying about getting caught in them yourself. Speaking of which ...

For fighting Sherry and others:
Carry around a couple of mithril or adamant bear traps, and set them in a line. Wait around the corner, let her get stuck in each one, and after she's gone through, teleport her away. (Wait around the corner or else you'll teleport your traps away too). Then repeat this... it will at least hurt her, possibly destroy some of her equipment, and maybe even cut off one of her limbs. Big mines are also really good for hurting them

Another funny thing to do is force them to walk over a path of crappy equipment. Sometimes, inexplicably they drop their own superior equipment and put on something much worse. I've seen Petrus drop his sapphire plate mail for leather armor

For named baddies .. a good way to tell if you're ready to fight them is, whether or not you've encountered the next more powerful one. So for example, if you see Rondol, then run away. But if you see Guugzamesh, that means you can go back and beat Rondol. If you see Xinroch, run, but if you see Ur Khan, you can probably take out Xinroch. Unfortunately this doesn't help much with Ur Khan, Golgor Dhan, or Sherarax since they usually appear at around the same time in my experience.
Posted by capristo, Dec 16, 2007 at 4:12 pm
Sherarax, Golgor Dhan, Ur Khan, and spider silk all on the same level
Posted by capristo, Dec 16, 2007 at 3:39 pm
Cloaks & Invisibility are two rules I always live by

Weapons - I'm not a big fan of Vermis. I'd rather kill things, when you fight more powerful enemies it gets annoying when it keeps teleporting them away.

Every single game I've beaten has been with Mjolak. Unfortunately since it's heavy you can only wield one (unless you have artificial limbs). Right now I'm trying an artificial limb game with an enchanted spear + Saal thul
Posted by capristo, Dec 16, 2007 at 3:23 pm
U_E, there's also ivanSilver which has the IVAN icons but light background. I also don't like dark backgrounds, which is why I created it. It's even harder to see the flames and things in silver though.
Posted by capristo, Dec 16, 2007 at 5:42 am
It is, but you can at least tell that they're supposed to be flames when they're animated. Not so easy to tell if it's just one frame sitting there
Posted by capristo, Dec 16, 2007 at 5:41 am
Let's start new ones then Nice job U_E that's pretty impressive
LOL at the descriptions.. especially Golgor Dhan eating the mammoth and Elpuri's death

Some characters are just lucky and find a ton of good shit like the wands of cloning and mirroring. If I run out of things to enchant and I still have extra mirroring I usually go for carrots and boost my perception up into the 50s or so... perception is way underrated
Posted by capristo, Dec 16, 2007 at 5:31 am
the bad thing about the holy banana is unless it's animated it will just look like a yellow and orange blob... kind of how the flaming swords look right now. but if somebody can make an animated version of it i'll put it up
Posted by capristo, Dec 14, 2007 at 10:44 pm
Some from the old forum:

Kick bear traps to disable them harmlessly (does NOT work with mines )

Wait with the 's'earch command when enemies are approaching. This takes less time than hitting '.' so that you always get the first hit in a fight

With those meteoric steel chests, if you don't have strong enough legs to break the locks, you can use a wand of striking. (Just hope there are no bottles in it or they will shatter)
Posted by capristo, Dec 14, 2007 at 5:53 pm
She usually comes before Elpuri and has come before I've even seen Golgor Dhan (although he might have spawned out of sight somewhere)
And she has definitely come looong before HP is at 300