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Posted by capristo, Apr 23, 2008 at 9:55 am
I think slob is right, unfortunately. Post a screenshot of your stats, that may give us a better idea. As for equipment, the dagger and short sword aren't very great weapons but at this point it would be too late to switch to something else. Your belt and armor are fine, but you need to change your gauntlet material. The dexterity +1 boost is negated by the heavy iron. If I were you I would stick around in the top levels. Go through each level until the spawning of monsters on that level goes to essentially zero (except the zombie level of course). And if possible enchant all of your equipment to at least +5. You will also need some electricity resistance - cloak?
Posted by capristo, Apr 23, 2008 at 9:51 am
Isn't the valpurium golem in the golem level special though? The one I killed was just randomly on GC2 or something. But I seem to remember that the valpurium golem in the room with all the other golems drops something when he dies. I could just be going insane though
Posted by capristo, Apr 22, 2008 at 11:00 am
Finally, after a bunch of flops I have a good game going.

Just killed Ur-Khan. It wasn't bad. When he did get a good hit in, my torso went straight to black, and in those cases I just teleported out, drank some healing liquid, and went back. Most of the time he just missed though or didn't hurt me. So after 4 healing potions I got him.

Killed spider silk as well, and found Golgor Dhan but will leave him alone. It's good to know where he is though.

Question: Is the valpurium golem unique?
Posted by capristo, Apr 20, 2008 at 5:20 pm
So what's the effect of eating giant mushrooms?
Posted by capristo, Apr 20, 2008 at 4:20 pm
What exactly does eating a can of mushroom do? What are its guaranteed effects and what are its chance effects?
Also, if you pickaxe a giant mushroom corpse, does this create mushroom flesh with the same effect as a can? (Or does it have to be magic mushroom, or does neither work?)
Posted by capristo, Apr 20, 2008 at 4:19 pm
Damn. I just used six wands of haste with 6 charges each (from mirroring) and still did not get permahaste
Posted by capristo, Apr 20, 2008 at 11:24 am
Not my most horrible for sure, but a recent bad one:

I attempted UT3 and retreated to UT2 after Genetrix nearly killed me. Then I spent a shitload of time polypiling and enchanting and hardening my gear, and finally returned to UT3. I had two chameleon whips, and so far neither one had polymorphed anything it hit. Back on UT3, I hit a kobold which promptly polymorphed into an iron golem. Pretty shitty, but also pretty easy to outrun, so I started retreating. Then suddenly a carnivorous plant popped out, blocking my way. The iron golem was still a few steps behind so I had time to kill the plant and continue on my way... or so I thought. The whips decided to activate again, and turned the plant into a phoenix feather golem. Stuck between two golems I decided to just drink my sulphuric acid rather than get beaten to a pulp
Posted by capristo, Apr 18, 2008 at 10:08 pm
Slob, you mean Muffenz didn't leave you any teleport wands Just kidding Muffenz. I'm not sure if we had any in the first place. Anyways I thought you already beat Ivaner?
Posted by capristo, Apr 18, 2008 at 12:35 pm
I don't think it does. It stays white, but it is permanent. At least in my experience with the blink dogs. I have to try out perma-haste & perma-invisibility though! Frees up another ring
Posted by capristo, Apr 18, 2008 at 11:29 am
Looking at your stats, seems ready to me.