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Posted by capristo, May 16, 2008 at 12:52 pm
Almost forgot

The mace named "Turox" x2 (Capristo)
The Gorovits family hammer x2 (Capristo)
The Gorovits family sickle x2 (Capristo)

Make that 27 please
Posted by capristo, May 16, 2008 at 12:46 pm
Heads. Particularly proud of the elder dark mage

A veteran kamikaze dwarf of Mortifer (Capristo)
An elite dark knight (Capristo)
A master necromancer (Capristo)
An apprentice dark mage (Capristo)
A dark battlemage (Capristo)
An elder dark mage (Capristo)

Also, angel of Mellis

Angel of Mellis (Capristo)

Bringing my final score to 21.
Posted by capristo, May 16, 2008 at 10:09 am
Aha, aha! Slob is wrong! I found an octiron trap lying around randomly. (See the bottom message line). However, it was on the same level of the octiron trap room, which provided 2 more. Making a grand total of 6 octiron traps now in my possession
Posted by capristo, May 16, 2008 at 8:53 am
I just kicked Sherry's ass. After some failed attempts to trap her, I finally decided to harden my trap into octiron and clone it. Then I set all 3 on the same spot (as well as a meteoric steel & mithril) and she got trapped. As she was trapped in all 3 octiron (she broke out of the other two pretty quickly), I walked up, and knocked off her limbs one by one. Her life saving gave her one last shot but at that point she wasn't able to teleport away and with another hit I slew her. Who's the queen of IVAN now, bitch?

Screenshots of my victory and equipment & inventory

Now I'm going to focus on boosting my stats. Wis needs to go way up, I'll try to get some angels for that. End needs to go up too. Also plan to get Permahaste, permainvisibility, permaESP, permainfravision if possible before I go for Elpuri. Then he should be a piece of cake and I'll proceed to Oree.
Posted by capristo, May 16, 2008 at 6:48 am
lol, nice thread. And thanks fluffy, I was looking for these.
Posted by capristo, May 16, 2008 at 6:47 am
everyone and their dog kenny
Posted by capristo, May 15, 2008 at 8:48 am
holy shit, enemy dolphins? That's awesome. I have gotten a friendly one, only once in my years of playing. Wonder how rare this is.
Posted by capristo, May 14, 2008 at 10:28 pm
IvanX in forum IVAN Variants
Cool. Looking forward to it!
Posted by capristo, May 13, 2008 at 10:35 am
Update. Killed Ur Khan, Int up to 42 now. Wis a measly 21. All equipment spider silk or adamant or octiron.
Posted by capristo, May 13, 2008 at 10:29 am
Hang on, shouldn't my score be 4?
2 from Mjolak, 1 from cloak, 1 from Whip

Anyways here are some updates

head of a veteran dark knight (1pt)
luxurious double bed (2pts)
both whips, both in silk (4pts total, gain of 3)
Mjolak adamantine (4pts total, gain of 2)
cloak of invisibility spider silk (3pts total, gain of 2)

My score should now be 14
By the way the whips are NOT from Sherry. I hardened them myself. But I am about to take on Sherry right now... wish me luck