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Posted by Serin-Delaunay, Sep 28, 2016 at 1:55 pm
Would anyone be interested in trying an IVAN version of this?
The rules would probably have to be adapted to suit IVAN - forced descent might not work, turn length might need to account for travel times. Otherwise, IVAN seems like quite a suitable game for this.

Turn order:
1. red_kangaroo
2. Serin-Delaunay
3. JoKe
4. capristo
5... ???
Posted by Serin-Delaunay, Sep 28, 2016 at 1:25 pm
If the player is obliged to resurrect Menchi at the earliest opportunity, it sounds like it would be dependent on cloning/mirroring as many wands as possible, and feeding it ommel bone chests to make it more survivable. Even with 100 endurance, it would be pretty easy for critical hits and frog spells to instakill it. In one game my ommel-bone-enhanced pet wolf Diefenbaker got killed by ZQ-29 twice.
Otherwise, the limiting factor is the time the corpse takes to rot, preferably when slowed. Resurrect it before the time runs out (and probably kill it again so it doesn't get lost).
Posted by Serin-Delaunay, Sep 28, 2016 at 9:10 am
Sometimes I use one in UT if nothing better spawns. I have been known to dual-wield them if I get gifted arcanite or octiron ones relatively early and have the stats to wield them.

IIRC they were crucial to the flesh weapons victory?
Posted by Serin-Delaunay, Sep 28, 2016 at 1:34 am
Yeah, I tried a few things with the veil and Xinroch's ghost (including some of those), since that makes more sense for a x2. Haven't written them down, too sleepy
Posted by Serin-Delaunay, Sep 28, 2016 at 1:27 am
I'll sleep on it first, probably I'll think of a few things I missed.
Posted by Serin-Delaunay, Sep 28, 2016 at 12:12 am
fejoa wrote
The dark knight victory was x4 believe it or not. I don't think this dungeon generates nearly as many monsters than a playthrough of GC though.
The only other 'victory' is x2; see if you can discover it.
Necrodude isn't really looking for the sword, but I agree the message is weird. His dialogue needs to be rewritten, he's basically speaking ad lib right now. Talk to the master guard in XT1 and he might give some hints.
Assuming you don't mean the previously existing chaos ending, I've used wizard mode to try the following so far:
* Talking to the master tomb guard while holding the sword and the skull of Xinroch and being Infuscor's champion
* Zapping wands of resurrection and necromancy on the skull of Xinroch
* Haven't resurrected or neck-romanced Xinroch's corpse because he doesn't leave one
* Talking to Petrus with the sword
* Sacrificing the skull and sword to Valpurus and Infuscor while being Infuscor's champion
* Spawning the resurrected Xinroch in XT1 (to simulate leading him back through the portal and up the stairs, if that's even possible). He's on the monster team, so the tomb guards attack him. It was quite a balanced battle compared to Attnam - give it a try!
* Talking to the resurrected Xinroch while wearing the shadow veil and being Infuscor's champion
* Using a lyre of charm on him with 101 charisma
* Cloning him (he doesn't get cloned and there's no message)
* Killing the master tomb guard and talking to Petrus and the prisoner while carrying his corpse
* Sitting on Infuscor's altar after killing the master tomb guard while Infuscor's champion
It seems to be a well hidden x2 victory
* Putting the skull and sword in the coffin in the cellar (which sometimes crashes the game)
* Talking to

I'm interested to see what happens if you disarm Xinroch, leave him alive, and go back to the surface with the sword. That seems like a bit more effort to set up, though. And not likely to be a x2 victory.
Posted by Serin-Delaunay, Sep 27, 2016 at 8:09 pm
fejoa wrote
Any ideas about how you will prevent mirrored items from disappearing prematurely in the shop? Zolku stops his bananas spoiling somehow...
So, as far as I can tell life expectancy of mirrored and spoiling items works as follows:

A mirrored or spoiling item is enabled, so that it gets processed on each game tick. This processing happens when item::Be() is called. item::Be() first calls MainMaterial->Be(). The material asks the item if it is allowed to spoil, and the item only says no if it's on the ground in a room that disallows spoiling. A room disallows spoiling if it's a shop with an enabled (conscious? alive?) shopkeeper and the item isn't worthless.

If the item is allowed to spoil, the spoil counter is increased etc. etc.

After the spoil check, item::Be() checks for life expectancy. If it's 0, it's not mirrored, nothing happens. If it's 1, the mirrored item disappears. otherwise, the mirrored item's life expectancy decreases.

It seems like it would be pretty easy to put a condition on the life expectancy code block just like for spoilage. It could use the same item::AllowSpoil() function, or a different item::AllowLifeExpectancy() function that only works for the Mondedr shop.

If it was done that way, the player would be able to use [the Mondedr] shop to preserve mirrored items that they want to use later. Of course, they can already do that by leaving the item on a different map, so that probably wouldn't affect balance.

I don't think creatures with a life expectancy (angels and mirrored creatures) call item::Be(), so that probably wouldn't let the player keep archangels indefinitely by locking them in a shop.
Posted by Serin-Delaunay, Sep 27, 2016 at 7:23 pm
Typo? What typo?
Posted by Serin-Delaunay, Sep 27, 2016 at 5:24 pm
My approach would be similar, something like this:

long item::GetTruePrice(truth IgnoreMirror=false) const
  if(LifeExpectancy && !IgnoreMirror)
    return 0;

  long Price = Max(GetPrice(), GetMaterialPrice());

  if(Spoils()) // or if(Spoils() && !IgnoreMirror)
    Price = Price * (100 - GetMaxSpoilPercentage()) / 500;

  return Price;

truth shop::PickupItem(character* Customer, item* ForSale, int Amount)
  //other code happens here

  // Mondedr shop charges full price for mirrored items
  long Price = ForSale->GetTruePrice(GetMaster()->GetConfig() == MONDEDR);
Posted by Serin-Delaunay, Sep 27, 2016 at 12:31 pm
Sil has an interesting mechanic - certain monsters emit darkness, so that you can't see what they are unless you stand close enough to them with a strong enough light source.

With IVAN's RGB colours, it might be possible to have some monsters/items/materials emit negative white light that dims everything equally, and others emit negative yellow light that makes everything look blue (without making it brighter).

This might even be useful to the player, if carrying around a darkness-producing item stops monsters from being able to chase them. Of course they would sacrifice the ability to read scrolls.

Hmm... IVAN colour data is packed into a single int rather than a struct, so modifying it to accept negative RGB values and blend them sensibly could be rather tricky. Also, lights are combined using max, so a negative light would have no effect.