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Posted by Serin-Delaunay, Oct 1, 2016 at 12:17 pm
Now that we've committed to some gods, the loot could be useful for sacrificing - either to the current ones, to to new ones if we ever switch. And now that food isn't a concern it's not actively harmful to be ferrying it around.
Posted by Serin-Delaunay, Sep 30, 2016 at 2:14 pm
Let's give this a try. *loads save*

Event log:
SPOILER ALERT. Click here to see text.
Found a room with an altar of scabies. Two broken weeping blades and two bottles of poison. Not really helping with the hunger. It's partially locked and out of the way, so safe to drop some of the heavy junk that's making us burdened and consuming our food. I didn't actually go back to retrieve it, it was just a bunch of low-quality weapons. OK for offering to gods or selling to shops, but neither were really going to happen soon.
Found a loaf of pork! Saved! Also, other loot:
* can of banana flesh
* wands of fireballs, mirroring (!), haste, teleportation, acid rain
* scrolls of teleport, enchant armour
* stethoscope
* a decent helmet
* a terrible cloak
* bottle of troll blood
And we're already getting very hungry (and burdened again, even without random maces and quarterstaves weighing us down), so I ate the banana flesh. Haven't explored every room yet, but descended anyway, taking the small chest full of loot along.
I think the 64x64 levels are too large for this, the amount of food needed to explore them is more than the amount of food salvageable from the monsters and items. But, jackal corpse! And pork loaf! Om nom nom.
And, Seges at last. *relief* Offered a lantern to her to confirm that she's not angry. Haven't prayed yet, if you find Mellis there shouldn't be a problem. We're in mine town now, so I put on a second ring of fire resistance. We can unlock square locks now. We have a chameleon whip and a broken +5 chameleon whip, if you fancy RNG death.
And, I found a medium chest, transferred the heavy loot to it, and started carrying the small chest of wands and scrolls.
There's a little bit more exploring to do. Screenshots and save file:
Attached files
save.tar.gz (895.83 kb)
Posted by Serin-Delaunay, Sep 30, 2016 at 12:25 pm
I don't think you'd be able to tell you'd contracted real-world leprosy the moment it happened. Then again, IVAN leprosy is most likely not real-world leprosy.

The charisma drop works by giving the player negative experience in the charisma stat every tick. It could be made more frequent by increasing the amount of negative experience, but you couldn't get it back when healed unless the whole mechanic was shifted to work something like burnt limbs.
Posted by Serin-Delaunay, Sep 30, 2016 at 11:41 am
Me too!
It does kind of serve to balance things by reducing the number of pet angels you can drag past GC6 into the frog levels, especially if you were taming necromancers to chat with.
Posted by Serin-Delaunay, Sep 30, 2016 at 10:10 am
Posted by Serin-Delaunay, Sep 29, 2016 at 10:01 pm
It's a good point that a clear notification of leprosy would lead to the player curing it quickly before it has any effect. Then again, if leprosy was intended to be undetected until limbs started dropping off, probably it shouldn't have a special message when the player contracts it, because that just encourages the player to read through the entire message log whenever they come into contact with a zombie. Which when punching it to death in UT1 can be a long read.
Leprosy does already have occasional notifications in the form of lost points of charisma, but more regular text notifications like for the parasite could be a good idea.
Posted by Serin-Delaunay, Sep 29, 2016 at 4:00 pm
Thanks I found the problem with the stairs, the level size is 64x64 but the down stairs are placed in
Square, BoundedRandom 61, 1, 78, 18, NOT_WALKABLE|ATTACHABLE;
, like the underwater tunnel stairs. but 61-78 is more likely than not greater than 64. I've set that back to the default, and I'm testing it now.

It seems to work. Attached. Hope you like TGZs!
Attached files
Script.tar.gz (90.93 kb)
Posted by Serin-Delaunay, Sep 29, 2016 at 2:44 pm
There are a couple more changes needed in owterra.dat to stop the 40-level dungeon from being invisible and reveal its location immediately (attachment... removed). The ADOM version of the challenge starts with a cooperative game phase for character development - maybe we could do something similar to get the player levitation or whatever is required to reach the dungeon without activating wizmode? In that case it might be appropriate to start the dungeon's difficulty closer to GC levels than UT.

Or, we could start with a belt of levitation in the character's inventory and discard it on the world map before entering the dungeon. That means no puppy, unless a puppy on the player's team is placed in the starting room of the dungeon.

So, here's a zip of the entire edited Script folder. It's got your 40-level dungeon, with a friendly puppy added to the starting room, a recognisable world map location revealed at the start of the game, and the player starts with a gunpowder belt of levitation to be disposed of before entering the dungeon.

I just tested out the dungeon, and, uh, problems: the down stairs can generate on the very edge of the map, and I can't get to it. Not sure if that's a rare bug with the game or with the dungeon script.

... And the forum software says "You may only upload DOC, DOCX, GIF, GZ, JPG, PDF, PNG, RTF, SVG, TAR, TXT, or ZIP files", but won't allow me to upload the script file as .zip, .ZIP, or .tar.gz. Hmm.
Posted by Serin-Delaunay, Sep 29, 2016 at 9:00 am
If it is, it doesn't let you know that anything different happened on the death screen in wizmode. Also it's not taking the veil off while standing in a wall or the ocean.
Posted by Serin-Delaunay, Sep 28, 2016 at 8:21 pm
OK, so now I've talked to the high priest, the priest, the master guard, the shopkeeper, the librarian, the tailor, the smith; the imperialist, the priestess, the fruit seller, the wrestler; the master tomb guard, the quartermaster while holding the shadow veil. And to the necromancer while holding Petrus's nut. He hated me because I had aggravated the Attnam team, of course.
I've spilled acid, vomit, and glowing blood on the veil, exploded it, died while wearing it on the other side of the portal, offered it to Infuscor and Valpurus, dropped it on the world map (You can do that? You can do that with all the quest items, even though you can't sell them or donate them to the Cathedral? Or is that just wizmode?) and sat on it.
I've zapped resurrection and necromancy on the cloak, on the ghost, on the ghost while it's standing on Xinroch's skull, a human corpse, and Golgor Dhan's corpse.
*Now* it's time for a hint.