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Posted by Ischaldirh, Oct 23, 2016 at 3:05 am
Adapted from an idea earlier in this thread, here's a (low priority) idea: A "Hall of Legends"; nothing particularly gamechanging, just a semi-hidden world-map-accessible empty dungeon full of nods to the IVAN developers (past and present). Maybe a few minor boons.
Posted by Ischaldirh, Oct 23, 2016 at 3:00 am
4zb4 wrote
From a gameplay standpoint though, having enemies turn into what are essentially fancy walls doesn't sound like such a good idea.

Excellent point Azba. Is there a compromise? Perhaps they become a dungeon fixture (ala fountain, couch, etc); the IS_ERNOMOUSE tag could cause such fixtures to continue to block LOS.

Fake Edit: I am aware of my typo. It's more amusing to me this way.

Posted by Ischaldirh, Oct 23, 2016 at 2:42 am
chaostrom wrote
If the enemies turned into statues though, would they block your way, or would they be turned into really heavy items?

May depend on the enemy.

This power is actually quite powerful. Petrifying enemies would have to carry a pretty heavy prayer cooldown, and possibly PC stat requirements for some enemies. Otherwise this would be a really easy out for some of the more dangerous battles (locate izzy -> teleport to izzy -> pray to dulcis -> no problem!).

It should also make their entire inventory inaccessible (part of the statue). So no looting enemies removed by Dulcis.
Posted by Ischaldirh, Oct 22, 2016 at 10:49 pm
That's a little silly. But also off topic in this thread.
Posted by Ischaldirh, Oct 22, 2016 at 9:36 pm
Serin-Delaunay wrote
Actually, sticking the patrol guard to the floor so he doesn't escape and waste a scroll of taming would be nice.

Hold on. I just realized some of the implications of being able to dump bottles.

If I dump a bottle of sulfuric acid on the ground in Attnam, and the patrol guard walks over it, will he become hostile to me? Currently NPCs don't react to banana peels, broken bottles, or bear traps (I think). Puddles of acid are a far cry more dangerous than any of those, however.

Posted by Ischaldirh, Oct 22, 2016 at 9:32 pm
red_kangaroo wrote
As a goddess of art, she could appreciate a nice statue. If she transformed your enemies into stone, they would make nice statues...

I really, like this.
Posted by Ischaldirh, Oct 22, 2016 at 3:04 pm
Some of those would be fun...What would a PC do with them though? Since they are ID'd for free in IVAN, there's virtually no chance of a PC accidentally ingesting yellow slime, or coating their weapon with acidous blood.
Posted by Ischaldirh, Oct 22, 2016 at 9:42 am
Ighalli wrote
Added Infuscor burning and reduced Mellis from filling 5 objects to 4. He's probably still the best god, but I consider the gods near his alignment to be mostly crappy.

Nice balancing effect. Somewhat subtle, but probably enough.

chaostrom wrote
Have a gem/crystal stone and a stick but RNG screwed you over on weapons? Why not have Dulcis put them together into a spear? Why not combine that useless acid bottle with a stick to create a wand of acid rain?

This sounds like more Sophos' (God of Handiworks) and Infuscor's (vile magic) field respectively. However, I actually really like the idea.
Posted by Ischaldirh, Oct 21, 2016 at 9:10 pm
I had a thought earlier today - it would make a lot of sense if Cruentus occasionally gifted you powerful weapons. For game-balance reasons this could might not be great, but what if prayers caused him to occasionally dropped a random mirrored weapon with a high enchantment bonus?

Though, I'm wary of giving Cruentus too many abilities. Just making him more likely to enchant your weapon alone would make him a lot more useful.

As for other gods... Hmm... Time for a checklist. All opinions are my own, take them with a grin of salt; this is mostly meant to spark discussion:

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Fine as-is. Perhaps tweaking him to not gift valpurium shields if you already have one would be nice. Although, not super appealing as in order to make use of his gifts you have to learn to use a sword and/or shield.

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With the above-discussed modifications, Legifer will get substantially more useful. Moves him away from the short-term-benefit theme of Lawful that Fejoa mentioned.

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Just fine. Though he doesn't help you too much on your typical prayer, gifts of arcanite plate and treasure chests make him an attractive god in the early/mid game.

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Here's where discussion happens. Dulcis is boring as crap. Currently only useful if you need to tame someone in a pinch. Suggested improvements:
-Dulcis trains CHA (Ighalli)
-Dulcis gifts expensive artwork
-Dulcis spawns beds for the player

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Mostly OK. Solves the food problem rather satisfactorily and quite easily. If anything, a gift of a Horn of Plenty (item suggestion from the early Ideas thread; periodically creates edibles) would be thematic and useful.

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Not especially great IMO, but not completely useless either. Emergency teleports can be handy, especially if liquid consumption is modified to make healing potions no longer useful in combat. If improved, maybe she could short-range magic map?

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Semi-useless IMO, but others seem to like her. I hate the earthquake ability and am not a fan of her wolf-hordes. I can see how the wolfpack can be useful in distracting spellcasters, however.

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Just fine. Power wanes in the middle-game as the player moves away from the ferrous materials towards more exotic types, but he remains useful for repairing broken gear.

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Incredibly useful all-game-long, especially if you can keep up a steady supply of bottles and cans. Would be even more useful if you could dump those pesky and ubiquitous bottles of sulfuric acid out.

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Extremely useful. No tweak needed.

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Not my personal favorite, though she gives some great pets. I dunno, I'm just not a fan of pets...

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I pretty much never pray to her. I don't her giving all those tasty-corpses-to-be leprosy! Suggested improvements:
-poison weapons (Kangaroo)
-fart clouds (Kangaroo)
-lycanthropy/vampirism (Kangaroo)
-ring of unchanging (Ighalli)
-polymorph nearby enemies into sheep

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Probably OK, he already gives some powerful status effects, and now lights people on fire too.

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With Ighalli's suggested tweaks I think Cruentus will be just fine. Previously he was just a handy source of troll blood and Mortifer piety.

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Probably fine.
Posted by Ischaldirh, Oct 21, 2016 at 8:40 pm
I re-read a big chunk of this thread last night. There's some good ideas in here, buried in the back. Lots of crappy item ideas too.