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Posted by Ischaldirh, Nov 5, 2016 at 6:46 pm
I can imagine four possible outcomes when teleporting to an occupied square:

1. Bounce off, teleport elsewhere randomly.
2. You telefrag them.
3. You get (partially) telefragged (parts of you wind up in different places)
4. You take their spot and they are forcibly teleported elsewhere. (Perhaps to where you just were?)
Posted by Ischaldirh, Nov 5, 2016 at 5:08 pm
I'm just curious why new shouts in the shoutbox are at the top, rather than the bottom...?
Posted by Ischaldirh, Nov 5, 2016 at 5:05 pm
I expect they would be doubled.
Posted by Ischaldirh, Nov 5, 2016 at 4:56 pm
That's only slightly worse than AoGH...

For shits and giggles I just kitted out a character with adamant AoGH, gauntlets, and boots, for a total 60% dexterity and 50% agility penalty. Then I added a dragon hide cloak, reducing me to a mere 30% dexterity and 40% agility.

Then I made the cloak adamant.

100% penalty. But apparently your stats have a floor of 1, so lucky me I guess.

The moral of this story is that these penalties stack, so be careful wearing a lot of metal.

Also, although I already knew this, belts have no affect on your agility or dexterity. If you want to have a 2.5 kg belt, turn one into adamant. Good protection too...
Posted by Ischaldirh, Nov 5, 2016 at 3:46 pm
You didn't include metal cloaks. (Not that this would be recommended. )
Posted by Ischaldirh, Nov 5, 2016 at 10:43 am
The N strategy mostly revolves around Mellis and neighboring gods. Mellis keeps you (mostly) fed, keeps you stocked up on healing potions, and occasionally gives you ommel stuffs. Loricatus is pretty peripheral, hardening a few things and occasionally fixing gear. But really, N is N-, because you want Cleptia for obvious reasons.
Posted by Ischaldirh, Nov 4, 2016 at 8:53 am
Serin-Delaunay wrote
Although I'd add that adamant chain mail is available via Loricatus long before 40 Int, and has better AV than all the soft mail except GEF. It also beats mithril plate by a single point, being equal in all other respects.

I'm not totally clear on how Loricatus currently works. Care to enlighten me?

As far as adamant chain is concerned, it is a good option, if you can stomach the 10% dex and agi penalties. As a side note, I'd like to see similar comparisons done on boots/gauntlets. I expect similar results. I'd also be interested to see how the penalties stack.
Posted by Ischaldirh, Nov 3, 2016 at 8:57 pm
Out of curiosity, I did a little testing with different armors and mid- and late-game materials. I tested chain mail, plate armor, and Armor of Great Health. (Note that because AoGH typically spawns with a +1, all the ones I tested also had a +1.) I used the following metals: Meteoric Steel, Arcanite, Mithril, Illithium, Octiron, Adamant, Valpurium. (I left out lower-level metals because I felt they were irrelevant - who puts on bronze plate armor anyways?) I also ran tests on "soft" armor, including Phoenix Feather, Angel Hair, Dragon HIde, Spider Silk, and Golden Eagle Feather. I checked armor values and dex/agi penalties (as a percentage). Here are my results:

Chain Mail
Material Name	AV	Weight	Penalty
Meteoric Steel	9	14000	10%
Arcanite	11	1600	3%
Mithril		12	10000	5%
Illithium	14	12000	10%
Octiron		17	1800	5%
Adamant		21	20000	10%
Valpurium	25	6000	2%

Plate Armor
Material Name	AV	Weight	Penalty
Meteoric Steel	15	28000	20%
Arcanite	18	3200	6%
Mithril		20	20000	10%
Illithium	22	24000	20%
Octiron		27	3600	10%
Adamant		35	40000	20%
Valpurium	40	12000	5%

Armor of Great Health +1
Material Name	AV	Weight	Penalty
Meteoric Steel	12	35000	40%
Arcanite	14	4000	13%
Mithril		16	25000	20%
Illithium	17	30000	40%
Octiron		21	4500	20%
Adamant		27	50000	40%
Valpurium	31	15000	10%

Soft Mail
Material Name	AV	Weight	Penalty
Phoenix Feather	5	400	0%
Angel Hair	8	600	0%
Dragon Hide	10	5000	2%
Spider Silk	11	600	0%
GEF		18	200	0%

Soft Plate
Material Name	AV	Weight	Penalty
Phoenix Feather	8	800	0%
Angel Hair	14	1200	0%
Dragon Hide	16	10000	4%
Spider Silk	18	1200	1%
GEF		30	400	0%

Soft AoGH +1
Material Name	AV	Weight	Penalty
Phoenix Feather	7	1000	1%
Angel Hair	11	1500	1%
Dragon Hide	13	125000	8%
Spider Silk	14	1500	2%
GEF		23	500	1%

Valuable Mail
Material Name	AV	Weight	Penalty
Silver		3	21000	10%
Gold		3	40000	3.3%
Sapphire/Ruby	15	8000	10%
Diamond		18	7000	10%

Valuable Plate
Material Name	AV	Weight	Penalty
Silver		6	42000	20%
Gold		5	80000	6.6%
Sapphire/Ruby	25	16000	20%
Diamond		30	14000	20%

Valuable AoGH +1
Material Name	AV	Weight	Penalty
Silver		5	52500	40%
Gold		5	100000	13.3%
Sapphire/Ruby	19	20000	40%
Diamond		23	17500	40%

Shirt of the Golden Eagle +10
Material Name	AV	Weight	Penalty
GEF		40	100	1.2%

For reference: INT requirements for various materials. (For hardening. Remember to add 5 if you want to SoCM.)

INT	Materials
15	Meteoric Steel
20	Arcanite, Phoenix Feather
25	Mithril, Illithium
30	Silver, Gold
35	Angel Hair, Dragon Hide, Sapphire, Ruby
40	Octiron, Adamant, Spider Silk, Diamond
50	Valpurium, Golden Eagle Feather

From this we can draw some conclusions about the usefulness of various armor types.

Chain Mail: Useful in the mid-game, but not really worth it outside that. Arcanite and Mithril chain mail are great in the 20-35 INT range - low penalties, manageable weight, and superior AV to soft armor - but below 20 INT the weight and penalties are too high, and above 35 INT the soft plates have superior AV and almost no penalties.

Plate Armor: Great AV, but nasty weight and penalties. Not worth it until you can get the Arcanite series - Arcanite plate is easy to acquire, and is comparable to the 35 INT Spider Silk soft armor. Mithril plate may not be worth it, though; however, at 40 INT, Octiron is a solid option, and at 50 INT the Valpurium plate is a rival to a GEF armor.

Soft Armor: Excluding a gap between 20 and 35 INT, soft armor are probably the best option. The almost absolute lack of penalties is hard to beat, and the 400 gram GEF armor is pretty excellent.

Soft Chain: I just ran these for fun. They are useless.

AoGH: Don't. Just don't. There is nothing redeeming about this armor, whether soft or hard. Double the penalties, 25% more weight, 25% less AV; "balanced" by more HP, which means nastier enemies spawning.
Posted by Ischaldirh, Nov 3, 2016 at 11:54 am
Posted by Ischaldirh, Nov 2, 2016 at 9:03 am
4zb4 wrote
remember this is a game written way back beginning in the early 2000s when such issues weren't really at the forefront
Also again a reminder that the game is from early 2000s. I remember reading somewhere in the old documents that there were plans for a "Tranny" npc or status ailment if that helps shed some light on that (and the choice of language).

Also remember that they made IVAN when they were quite young - didn't it start as a high-school project? Also also, remember that they are Finnish - they may be fluent in English but it is not their first language, nor are they accustomed to the intricacies of the language as used in the U.S. and elsewhere.

All this only provides an excuse for the original devs' language use. And last I checked, nobody was blaming them. What this is not, is a valid argument against making changes now. To draw a grossly broad metaphor, it would be like arguing against repealing Jim Crow laws because "it was a different time back then".