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Posted by Ischaldirh, Oct 10, 2016 at 10:09 pm
So I just did some digging around in script files and the old forums, curious about blocking. I compiled a spreadsheet with information about (almost) every item in the game, as relates to blocking. Now, it's already been sussed out of the code (thanks to Squashmonster, in this thread) that blocking involves a BlockStrength and a BlockValue. BlockStrength is a bit hectic and is pretty specific to the item/weapon in question - it involves factors like hit strength and weapon class skill bonus - but BlockValue is a little easier to analyze in broad strokes.

BlockValue involves two terms, ToHitValue and BlockModifier. ToHitValue is a whole can of worms which involves some crazy ass shit, but we don't need to worry about the specifics; just note that a higher ToHitValue is better. (IIRC, ToHitValue caps out after a certain point, and that point can usually be reached by enchantments. Thus if we're wondering about end-game viability here, we can ignore this value.) Which leaves us with BlockModifier, which is wonderfully simple to analyze: Size * Roundness * 2 (* 2 again if the item is a shield).

So what does all this mean? Well, here is a spreadsheet I made containing (almost) every item in the game.

The upshot is that cloaks and big chests are tied for the best blockers in the game. (Using these is problematic, however. Also, I'm not sure you can gain any relevent skill with cloaks...) Actual shields are a pretty close second (24000 vs 22800). Everything else is dramatically less reliable: the next in line is Neerc se'Ulb, with BlockModifier = 14000 - nearly half that of cloaks and shields.

Quite amusingly, the Big Mine is the next on the list. In fact, both the Big Mine and the regular Mine are better blockers than any actual weapon, other than Neerc se'Ulb.

In terms of (non-special) weapons, the Mace and the Halberd are the best blockers (7500 and 6800, respectively. Mjolak is in between, with 7200). If you want to play a block-happy build, I recommend a mace and a shield.

Unfortunately, by now we are talking about relatively poor BlockModifier values. Justifier weighs in with the same block value as a Lyre of Charm - 5000. You are as likely to block with a bottle as you are with a two-handed scimitar, at 4200. Short swords have a measly 2100, while whips are at 1000 or less.

The worst blocker I found was the carrot. At 400, you would need to be an excellent carrot warrior to block anything.
Posted by Ischaldirh, Oct 10, 2016 at 9:13 am
The re-selling part is unfeasable. The icebox itself is interesting, a way to keep your spoil-able foods un-spoiled for a while longer.
Posted by Ischaldirh, Oct 9, 2016 at 11:58 pm
You know what? Actually, a maze in the XT doesn't sound as awesome as I thought.

A maze dungeon should be it's own thing, with Guugzamesh as it's boss. Maybe a slightly beefed up Gus.

I mean, IMO, every grudge enemy ought to get his own special dungeon...
Posted by Ischaldirh, Oct 9, 2016 at 11:36 pm
I'm dumb, we now have two ideas-related threads. Though the other was getting a bit... unwieldy.

I got reminiscant tonight and dug around the ancient forums, and found this little gem of an idea from 10 years ago. Hit it, Dalboz:

dalboz wrote
I've just realized: if IVAN has an icebox (like nethack) you can buy bananas cheap in New Attnam, put them in a icebox, then resell them at Attnam for great prices!

Can this be a thing?
Posted by Ischaldirh, Oct 8, 2016 at 9:50 pm
What if the mazes were built as a series of much smaller mazes, connected by corridors in a semi-linear pattern (some side branches to allow for special items / enemies / etc)?
Posted by Ischaldirh, Oct 8, 2016 at 12:34 pm
red_kangaroo wrote
Also, what about making one of the maze rooms a whole special maze floor floor instead? Just as GC has zombie level, ToX could have maze level. That would quite break the similar room-and-corridor level stereotype and hopefully make it a challenge with strong walls and several guaranteed strong enemies (like the dwarf on zombie level).

Would need minotaurs because fantasy maze tropes.

Also goblins.
Posted by Ischaldirh, Oct 6, 2016 at 11:04 pm
have the players figure out that the "lower AV" flexible armors are actually better against blunt damage.

As long as we're discussing this, I feel it's worth discussion how, IRL, war hammers and various forms of mace (flanged maces, in particular) were designed to be more effective against armor. At the end of the day, it would still be substantially better to be wearing heavy plate armor when being struck by one, as opposed to wearing something lighter (mail, leather, etc). The idea with these weapons was to focus a large amount of force (heavy weight on the end of a stick) onto a small area (small hammer head, spikes, flanges, etc) in order to be more likely to damage or pierce the armor and get at the soft, gooey bits underneath. The fact that said large amount of force could also break bones and cause concussions, while certainly not negligible, was not why you would choose to use one over a sword. Swords can do those things and also cut up flesh rather nicely... but sharp edges just don't do as well against metal plates. That said, (plate) armor would definitely absorb and disperse a lot of the shock from a blow, substantially reducing the amount of broken bones and concussions that result.

There's tons of youtube videos discussing the various advantages of "blunt" weapons compared to bladed ones. A few involve armor, but a cursory search didn't turn up anybody willing to destroy a suit of plate by smashing it with a flanged mace or morning star.

Oddly, it occurs to me that a morning star (which the IVAN mace bears a striking resemblance to) would be almost a piercing weapon, being as it's a ball covered in spikes...

I guess what I'm getting at is that, if anything, blunt weapons (incl. possibly axes?) should be more likely to break rigid armor and shields, and maybe ignore some of the AV. (For that matter, bladed weapons (swords and axes) should be more likely to break flexible armor.) But I don't think that, in terms of protection, light armor should in no case be better than heavy armor.

At least, from a realism standpoint.
Posted by Ischaldirh, Oct 6, 2016 at 9:25 pm
Serin-Delaunay wrote
Probably it should just work however is most fun.

This was my conclusion too.
Posted by Ischaldirh, Oct 6, 2016 at 4:58 pm
Weeping crystal blades don't break from acid due to material properties

This seems like a much simpler solution. Can we make some (soft) materials resistant/immune to sound-type damage?
Posted by Ischaldirh, Oct 5, 2016 at 11:22 pm
That sounds complicated. I was going to suggest that flexible material items themselves would resist sound damage (flapping around instead of shattering), but would not protect the player. Sounds like more work than it's worth. Though similar code would allow for i.e. boots that wouldn't be destroyed by walking in acid.