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Posted by Ischaldirh, Jun 2, 2009 at 9:19 pm
That would be awesome if you could "repair" a broken corpse and bring it back to life.
Posted by Ischaldirh, May 18, 2009 at 4:37 am
doublepost fixed
Posted by Ischaldirh, May 17, 2009 at 9:32 pm
chaostrom wrote
How about a SARCASM tag.

Oooh! Ohh! Could it make the letters look like they're dripping?
Posted by Ischaldirh, May 4, 2009 at 12:04 pm
Z wrote
If you wear a single gauntlet of strength +10, your displayed strength will go up by 5, is right?

Actually in this particular case I don't think so. If I recall correctly gauntlets of strength have to be in pairs to work. I could be wrong in this.
Posted by Ischaldirh, May 3, 2009 at 10:19 pm
slob wrote
As an all natural limbs IVAN player I can assure that stats are trained individually for each limb. When a limb is replaced with with a new flesh limb it is exactly the same strength as the one that was lost. I you play a long time missing one limb or with artificial limb then that limb does not get trained. When you get a new flesh limb it is the exact same strenghth as the last flesh limb you had and the AStr value displayed is the SUM (not average) of the two limb strengths. Eg lose an arm at AStr 12 and your Astr drops to six. train you good arm until you have an AStr of 10 (total) and then drink a healing potion and you will have an Astr of 16 (10 + 6).

The reason I think it's an average, not a sum, is because when you train your strength you get two messages ("Your right arm feels stronger." "Your left arm feels stronger.") sometimes several turns apart, but your overall AStr only goes up by one point.

Nobody is debating that stats are trained individually for each limb though. I'm going to do another Wizmode test in a moment and see what happens if I lose a limb at 100 LStr (since legs are easier to lose than arms), then replace it with a potion.

Right. 100 LStr. Took several tries to sever either of my legs, since I was upping all of my stats at the same time, so I also have ~100 End. Once the leg was severed I immediately dropped to 50 LStr. After drinking a Potion of Healing and restoring my leg, I have 99 LStr (66 because the leg is damaged). So somewhere along the line I lost 1 LStr, but that can probably be assumed to be due to some rounding error, or one leg being slightly stronger than the other, or any of a number of other things.
Posted by Ischaldirh, Apr 29, 2009 at 12:52 am
I think the displayed stat is actually an average of the stats of the two limbs.
Posted by Ischaldirh, Apr 28, 2009 at 10:02 am
Z: I don't recall my specific LStr, but I do remember tapping the 1 key once or twice before downing the bottle of healing liquid... More research may be required. Regardless the restored limb is CERTAINLY not as strong as the original.
Posted by Ischaldirh, Apr 27, 2009 at 5:06 pm
I just tested this in WM, and Azba is correct. I gained ~60 LStr, created two valpurium bear traps, and severed one of my legs. I then drank a bottle of healing liquid, restoring my lost leg. Afterwards I had only 47 LStr.

Limbs which are restored by gods may be different, and limbs that are reattached certainly are, but it appears that "healed" limbs are weaker than their originals.
Posted by Ischaldirh, Apr 22, 2009 at 2:48 am
deadweller wrote
Oh and your loot is awesome.

Why thank you!
Posted by Ischaldirh, Apr 22, 2009 at 12:20 am
deadweller wrote
Ischaldir also almost killed me twice, even though I had 1100 hit points. Since he uses both fire and electricity based spells I equipped my 9 fire cloak on my back and 9 electricity cloak on offhand while having justifier on main hand. I then proceeded by teleporting up to his face and beating on his ass. He actually survived the first hits and ran off a little, I guess im lucky he didnt teleport.

Impressive. You killed me. (Or at least my namesake.) How many people have actually managed this?

deadweller wrote
9 electricity cloak on offhand

Wait... does this work?