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Posted by Batman?, Jun 16, 2014 at 7:22 pm
I would think toning down enners damage a little would be a requirement if you are adding this wrinkle. as it is killing enner is still not guaranteed for upper-moderate players. I think adding in this challenge without offering some kind offset on how bad enner is hammering you will make it overly unbalanced.

what is this really changing other than making it slightly harder to kill enner for beginner/moderate players who have had the bad luck not to find a tele-control item or corpse before enner. most players will have found some kind of tele control by the time you get there.

I suppose the real difficulty this imposes is that every time you want to cross over level 5 you could possibly have to tele across the river. this could lead to some serious item burn if you are trying to move back and forth from the lower dungeon to the overworld later in the game and didnt want to have you time wasted walking in circles with a ring of tele on.

I like the concept of trying to tweak the enners level, but its been my experience in ADOM that rivers are the most annoying thing in the world. Sure they make the game slightly more difficult to early players, but for me at least they make the game less fun to play.

note: I havent offered to many good ideas of my own sp i dont want to sound to bitchy, since im not really helping the cause much. please fell free to ignore me.
Posted by Batman?, Jun 6, 2014 at 12:06 pm
red_kangaroo wrote

Also, chests should be possible to hack into wood sticks with your trusty axe.

I would also suggest coming up with a use for the aforementioned sticks

Posted by Batman?, May 27, 2014 at 4:20 pm
Pent wrote
Nope; freshly severed.

I just did a test in wizard mode: I got leprosy, had the priestess cure it, then popped my arm off and ate it. Lo and behold, I was once again a leper. It seems that the limbs maintain the leprosy state even when the character is cured.

you learn something every day. I wonder if that goes for other states as well? Severed arm of lycanthropy
Posted by Batman?, May 27, 2014 at 3:16 pm
Pent wrote
Well, the odd thing about the arm was that I had already cured my leprosy before the arm was severed (by Sherry), and after growing a new arm via healing liquid I ate the old one, which gave me leprosy, even though the arm shouldn't have had leprosy anymore.

was the arm rotting?
Posted by Batman?, May 27, 2014 at 2:02 pm
re-attaching a leprositic arm will also give you leprosy. I think somewhere there is a reminder to attach your arms and then have the priestess cure you.

I think the only new item in that list is the part about the mistresses and the bannana (that sounds like the title of a dirty joke).

Seeing as how this thread is almost 600 post's long it would be useful to have the collected results stickied to avoid double posting. But I highly doubt anyone is going to spend half of their life reading and compiling the information in this post.
Posted by Batman?, May 23, 2014 at 1:54 pm
Big props to Red Kangaroo for putting in a lot of effort on the wiki
Posted by Batman?, May 22, 2014 at 12:37 pm
so its an under-funder now?
Posted by Batman?, May 20, 2014 at 9:26 am

The wiki has a pretty good summary of fountain effects
Posted by Batman?, May 20, 2014 at 8:03 am
from the shoutbox - Do fountains only transport you lower into a dungeon, or is the level port always to a lower level?
Posted by Batman?, May 20, 2014 at 8:02 am
what would the money be used for?