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Posted by Batman?, Sep 11, 2014 at 6:14 pm
After not playing (out of fear) for like 6 months I have returned to my endgame character to try and clear out Attnam and get the sword. I have started the battle and have a huge pile of nasty explosives on top of 3 octiron beartraps waiting for the big man to step on them.

I am slaying all that comes to me and decide to pray to mortifer and he gives me ANOTHER Neerc se ulb. I am currently wielding a +10 Neerc and a +12 GEF whip of thievery.

My question is I have 48 Astr and can dual wield the neercs - should I stick with the whip and the mace or go with the 2 maces?
Posted by Batman?, Aug 13, 2014 at 6:53 pm
Posted by Batman?, Aug 13, 2014 at 3:59 pm
The wiki mentions there is a shadow god called Terra - is this in Vanilla IVAN or one of the variants? I've never heard this before.
Posted by Batman?, Aug 12, 2014 at 10:00 pm
4zb4 wrote
On the other hand, we're talking about IVAN here and having your +10 weapon turn into a banana because of something that would be entirely your fault does not sound out of place.

I second this.
Posted by Batman?, Aug 6, 2014 at 12:49 pm
I third that sentiment. having Int +wi increased seems overpowered.
Posted by Batman?, Aug 5, 2014 at 12:10 pm
the wiki shows the Helm of Brilliance as imrpoving Int and Wi - it only affect Int. The Helm of understanfing affect Wi. I would correct it myself but I have no idea how.
Posted by Batman?, Aug 5, 2014 at 12:08 pm
I saw in the shoutbox that enemies wont move into a square with a pea soup fart on it. If you were standing in the cloud will monsters not move into the cloud to attack you? If so this would make for a very nice exploit when combined with the gas mask.
Posted by Batman?, Jul 31, 2014 at 11:34 am
Thanks Redkangaroo for your relentless updating of the wiki.

question - it says on the wand of cloning page that cloned monstaer are tame - i wonder if cloning oree to get a tame copy of himself is a reasonable option for defeating him?
Posted by Batman?, Jun 16, 2014 at 8:06 pm
My point is that if the obstacle is fixed the solution will quickly become fixed as well and you will not have really accomplished anything for your effort
Posted by Batman?, Jun 16, 2014 at 7:38 pm
or a more constructive criticism: I like the idea of making enner harder, but make the river appearance a random chance. come up with 3 or 4 twist on enners level with the twist randomized each game. I think if all you do is add a river, its going to take a short period of time for people to figure it out how to deal with and it reduced to a mere speed bump.

Maybe instead of a river you could have a random level effect that makes killing him harder. what are the main tools for killing him : tele/telecontrol ,esp, detect material, wands. Take a random one away each game on his level, so you don't know what you are dealing with until you get there. "you feel your teleportation being blocked" "the screams of the enner keep you from concentraing on your scroll, it is wasted" "the wailing of the foul beast prevent you from honing your ESP" "the sonic waves disrupt the wands magic"

something like that make one or two of them randomly in effect for the level - it will cause players to have to come up with multiple strategies for dealing with enner instead of having one playbook to breeze though like it is now.