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Posted by 4zb4, Jan 25, 2011 at 9:32 pm
Staff, staff
Posted by 4zb4, Jan 25, 2011 at 4:27 pm
Also eating mushrooms, magic mushroom gas, and I think wand of wonderful smells gas (although that would be a bit ironic) can give you gas immunity. With a bit of luck, you could get a longer lasting effect.
Or you could polymorph into something without a nose. Say, a golem of some sort.
Posted by 4zb4, Jan 25, 2011 at 6:59 am
Also mustard gas + gas immunity = lethal ninja smoke escape technique.
Posted by 4zb4, Jan 23, 2011 at 5:51 pm
cowofdoom78963 wrote
Dont carry around mustard gas unless you want it to explode in your inventory and kill you.

While this is true in the early game (mostly due to booby trapped doors), since you're new here you probably haven't read my thread detailing the countless uses for such a dangerous substance
Also you can just keep the gas grenades in chests and you should be fine.
Posted by 4zb4, Jan 23, 2011 at 4:37 pm
Ah, but used wisely mustard gas can be a great exploit
Posted by 4zb4, Jan 23, 2011 at 4:44 am
Ok, so my guy who was doing the proof of concept died so I did another one to show how it works.
Here's my screenshot, at 00:00 day 2. "Courier" style.

36 items total.
Could've done better. However through playing this, a few things were brought to my attention:
*Spider webs are extreme time wasters.
*So is leprosy, especially in the legs.

Also just did a "Pack Rat" playthrough.
Had an amazing 84 items in my inventory, and was completely overloaded.
Notable loot: Mjolak (Broken)
Notes: Pack Rat is actually harder than I would've thought to get a good score. I had to dump all my stuff at the stairs to UT2, and kept bringing back things from other levels. When it got to around 23:30 I headed back, picked everything up and did a quick count.
Posted by 4zb4, Jan 23, 2011 at 4:31 am
Your feedback is appreciated Chao, it's good to know when I may be making outlandish decisions
Well, I think I may have to run both.
I'll separate it into two sections: Pack Rat, (Inventory at the start of day 2) and Courier (Heave them back to New Attnam).
Unless you can think of better names?

Oh, and I accidentally skipped over cowofdoom's question: Yes you can throw them.
Posted by 4zb4, Jan 23, 2011 at 4:16 am
That could be problematic though because of the weight limit. Seeing as you're going to become overloaded at some point, that sorta limits the chances of getting many items. Having to offload your items at New Attnam puts the pressure on and gives a more "challenging" feeling to it. However I could just say to dump all the items in a pile in New Attnam and screenshot how many there are.
Also, I just tried this myself for proof of concept, and got me a 9 x 5 rectangle of items in New Attnam.
Limited sight doesn't matter because it remembers where all the items are anyway.

Alternatively I could just go with what you guys said and just get people to post how many items they had. The only problem with this is again the weight limit - players who get a higher Lstr generated will generally have an advantage over anyone who doesn't. But this might lead to it becoming more interesting, with people finding new ways to have a higher inventory count.

Or perhaps I could run both, having seperate scoreboards for both styles?
Posted by 4zb4, Jan 23, 2011 at 3:59 am
Heh, although surviving the enner and UT6 is somewhat of a feat, that by no means will ensure your survival to the end of the game
(Damn Mystic Dark Frogs)
Posted by 4zb4, Jan 23, 2011 at 3:55 am
Think you're the fastest, greediest adventurer there ever was in the world of IVAN? Now's your chance to prove it, with the:



The backstory is thus:
A rebel faction has risen in New Attnam. They seek to overthrow Decos and his guardsmen, but are making little progress due to one slight complication - all they have are bananas. So the rebels have appointed YOU to go gather supplies to help the resistance! The rebellion begins in exactly one day, so you'd better hurry!

The rules are as follows:

1) You have exactly one day to complete the challenge. As soon as it hits "day 2" on your IVAN clock, it's GAME OVER.
2) You score points by collecting items. The items can be absolutely anything. Even broken bottles and severed arms.
3) When you have collected as many items as you can you must rush back to New Attnam and place the items on the ground - 1 tile per item. This will be how your score will be judged. - Note that the more items you have, the longer this final procedure will take, so be sure to manage your time well!
4) If you encounter a bones file - It's your lucky day!
5) Only Vanilla IVAN 0.50 is to be used.
6) You cannot kill any slaves.
7) Be sure to provide a screenshot!

Pack Rat:
1) You have exactly one day to complete the challenge. As soon as it hits "day 2" on your IVAN clock, it's GAME OVER.
2) You score points by collecting items. The items can be absolutely anything. Even broken bottles and severed arms.
3) When time hits 0:00 on day 2, do a count of the items in your inventory and then post here.
4) No bones files - Find one and your game is forfeit.
5) Only Vanilla IVAN 0.50 is to be used.
6) You cannot kill any slaves.
7) Screenshot not necessary (but feel free to if you choose).

So, have at it fellow Attnamese!


Alveradok - 96

Pack Rat: