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Posted by 4zb4, Mar 4, 2011 at 5:50 am
Well I tend to stick to the light materials for my armor (leather branch) but sometimes i'll divert to chainmail and light limb armor. I've never been a big fan of plate mail and all the heavier armors (probably since I tend to get killed because of the agi and dex penalties). I believe I have some sort of unhealthy obsession towards helmets of brilliance/understanding though.
Also I'll almost always go for gauntlets of dexterity and boots of agility over their strength counterparts.

When it comes to weapons I often find myself dual-wielding either two daggers/short swords/combination of both or a dagger/short sword and a one-handed artifact weapon (like Saal-thul or, if i'm feeling particularly lucky i'll wield a thunder hammer). Other times i'll end up using a bastard sword until I can dual-wield two of them, or if I find Vermis or Mjolak early on i'll use them instead.
Vermis has saved my ass countless times in the earlier parts of the game, notably when Rondol showed up and almost killed me but was teleported away by Vermis just in time.
I'll often stick with the same weapons I pick up in UT but harden and enchant them as I go along, unless I find a decent artifact weapon.

With accessories it usually boils down to me wearing two rings of fire resistance and a cloak of fire resistance +7. Mostly because mines tend to hide themselves down narrow corridors or inside rooms full of loot in the Gloomy Cave. That and the fact that they can 1HK the average adventurer at that stage without fire resistance of some sort. Hell, having only one ring of fire resistance will only help you barely survive (unless you have some kickass armor on), and you'll generally be completely red (if not black) all over.
My belt always tends to be whatever I end up stumbling upon, but generally in LIVAN I like to use thieve's girdles for the agi and dex boost.

Using the above I usually get somewhere past the enner, usually dying in GC6 or whatever level those damned mystic dark frogs show up in. Seen Elpuri twice I think ever, and both times I got killed. And not by him either. First time was being teleported into a room with mines in it and having half my equipment teleported off me. Second time I think a golem of some sort got me.
Posted by 4zb4, Feb 18, 2011 at 4:49 pm
Strongboxes are my personal favourite when it comes to security and peace of mind
Posted by 4zb4, Feb 17, 2011 at 10:15 pm
cowofdoom78963 wrote
A lot weird actions seem to effect dex. One time I gained a point of dex after picking up an item.

Anything that would involve the movement of your arms trains DEX iirc.
Posted by 4zb4, Feb 12, 2011 at 10:45 pm
Planned-to-be-implemented new effects and such?
Shuriken god = God of thrown weapons and bows?
Lightning man god = God of righteous magic and spellcasting?
Posted by 4zb4, Feb 12, 2011 at 9:36 pm
The children were speculated to be part of a quest after defeating Petrus where your first born gets kidnapped and hauled off somewhere.
But that's just from my memory.

I think the two symbols are probably just more gods that weren't implemented.
Posted by 4zb4, Feb 12, 2011 at 4:00 am
Does Inlux the archangel have any special effect on the pure mass of Bill's will?
Posted by 4zb4, Feb 11, 2011 at 2:59 pm
From what I remember (from what I believe was posted in the "too lazy to make a thread" thread) weapons become better than shields for blocking over time as your skill with them increases.
I don't know exact numbers though, i'll go dig through that thread.

EDIT: Found it, but still no exact numbers. Could've sworn there were though...

Ischaldirh wrote
As the game is balanced currently it's generally accepted that two weapons are the best way to go.

Which was in response to:

Azhael wrote
Another question, what do you consider that is better: wielding two weapons or a weapon and a shield? I have a valpurium two handed sword+6, a valpurium shield and a flaming ruby sword+6, and I seem to do quite well with the two swords as I block many attacks and have two strikes in one turn... but I would like to know if having a high skill with the shield will make me almost untouchable and would be better that way. Right now my char has 41 dex and 24 agi.
Posted by 4zb4, Feb 8, 2011 at 10:32 pm
IIRC the script I had used the "EFFECT_TELEPORT" (or whatever it is) under "Breathe effect" for the "NINJA_SMOKE" entry.
Posted by 4zb4, Feb 8, 2011 at 3:04 pm
Locking him outside of his house is a good way to keep him in one place too (although this requires the use of a wand of door creation).
Also, someone should try luring him to the banana drop site.
Posted by 4zb4, Feb 8, 2011 at 3:00 pm
Ironic ninja dwarves sounds exactly like something IVAN would have!
And I don't believe smoke can be teleported - but then again I've never tried it.