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Posted by 4zb4, Apr 7, 2012 at 4:44 pm
Lupus wrote
There is some sort of crafting in the game? Can my character produce wands, weapons or scrolls?

Not as such. The closest you can get is wishing for them with a scroll of wishing, or zapping a wand of polymorph on a pile of miscellaneous items.

Lupus wrote
When I use harden material scroll how it works? It automatically harden item to next possible step or it determined by Int of character?

What BDR said above. So to harden a material to the next level you would require the amount of intelligence needed to change to that material -5. For example, Ommel Hair requires and INT of 15 to change an item to it, meaning you could harden something made of Troll Hide to Ommel Hair with an INT of only 10.
Material list and their INT requirements can be found here.
That list displays the INT required to harden a lesser material to that material, so to find out how much INT you'd need to use a Scroll of Change Material to change an item to a certain material, add 5 to its intelligence requirement on that sheet.

Lupus wrote
How density and flexiblity of material affects to item?

Also what BDR said. Generally speaking, the higher the density, the heavier and stronger the weapon will be. Flexibility reduces the AGI and DEX penalties iirc, but I can't be certain. A flexible two-handed sword is pretty useless.

Lupus wrote
There is a command for run?

The "u" key is what makes your character run (i.e. take more turns in less time) but it'll make your character exhausted pretty quickly, which can be very dangerous if you suddenly need to start fighting things.

Lupus wrote
Articifal limbs is better than "default" ones?

They're bittersweet. Whilst they are generally much more powerful than normal limbs, they do not heal naturally and as such you'll need a scroll of repair or one of the smiths/tailors around the world to help repair any damage they take. Of course if your artificial limbs do get broken/cut off, you can always drink a bottle of healing liquid or troll blood to get some natural limbs back, or pray to a god to see if they'll give you another artificial limb of a material they control.
If you're going to be using artificial limbs, I would highly recommend changing your limbs to a material in the Cloth family (Troll Hide, Ommel Hair, Phoenix Feather etc.) as they have high AGI or DEX which is much more important than the lower boosts you get to your ASTR or LSTR.

When you have a INT of 35, Angel Hair is a nice material available to you by hardening something made of ordinary Cloth.
Kevlar has identical stats to Angel Hair, but is ruled over by Loricatus instead of Dulcis, and is only available through a Scroll of Change Material at level 40 INT.
Posted by 4zb4, Mar 31, 2012 at 10:18 pm
Mother of...

*'z'aps edit wand*
Posted by 4zb4, Mar 31, 2012 at 4:14 pm
What a curious day to reach 1000 threads...

I didn't see anything happen here at all.
Posted by 4zb4, Mar 30, 2012 at 3:58 pm
I'm reasonably certain that attacks per time unit are affected by weight and size too.

For example, one solid strike with an unwieldy heavy battle axe could do one attack per 2 hedgehog bites, whilst a whip could do upwards of 2 per hedgehog bite.
Only an example, I have no idea what the exact numbers are that determine it.

Also, kicks take significantly more time to strike than most, if not all weapons. I've been attacked six times in a row by a kobold whilst attempting to kick it.
Posted by 4zb4, Mar 30, 2012 at 1:10 am
I like the idea of ghosts haunting you when you return to the floor where its body was struck down.

Also, engraving is neat. Perhaps for extra flavor, you could write it like MoRTiFEr SPeAks?
Maybe you could also engrave memorials to fallen companions to prevent their rising again?
Posted by 4zb4, Mar 24, 2012 at 11:39 pm
Oh yeah, and them carnivorous plants and their kiwis.
Posted by 4zb4, Mar 23, 2012 at 3:24 pm
Hmm... as for the ghosts of various named characters, I'd personally not want to see the ghost of Sherarax pop up a few floors after beating her and have to beat her again. Maybe there could be a few conditions on whether the ghost is summoned after the character's death? Or perhaps you could place the corpse in a special place (shrine room maybe?) to prevent the ghost from rising?

Ghosts only made from humanoids sounds good, but perhaps you could also have ghosts of former pets show up too? Vengeful if you killed them by yourself, helpful otherwise.
I do believe that goblins, orcs, mistresses and the like have souls. You could perhaps consider any creature with significant intelligence as having a soul too?

Oh, and how about a wandering ghost who gets randomly spawned and is neutral to both you and monsters? Might be an interesting find for science talking? Or something else? A special item perhaps.
Posted by 4zb4, Mar 23, 2012 at 3:17 pm
I'd much rather see monster limbs that can be used for a different purpose after they've been severed. For example, Necromancer heads having a few charges to resurrect some corpses.

That way you'd have to work for your nice drops.
Posted by 4zb4, Mar 16, 2012 at 2:14 am
Need to take out Attnam huh?

Try mustard gas, and exploiting something to do with wands of door creation
(Or you could resurrect something to throw the gas grenades at).

Anyway that won't work in vanilla IVAN (no mustard gas grenades). So you could try just resurrecting a magic mushroom and letting it multiply like bacteria. Should be helpful in limiting access and hurting/killing some of the populace.
Posted by 4zb4, Jan 17, 2012 at 3:02 am
The best way to notice that is to go back to the UT after you've gotten much more powerful. You'll notice the stronger enemies appearing.
Also I got Ischaldirh (not you Izzy!) in the UT once. Wasn't pretty.