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Posted by 4zb4, Nov 27, 2013 at 9:58 pm
Chiko wrote
Totally unrelated but is there a way to make it so bones cannot rot but be still edible? I find it wrong for all bone items to rot away like that. D:

SpoilModifier = 48000;
Making this number larger under Config BONE will extend its lifespan, but will not make it permanently un-rottable.
What you could try instead is moving BONE out of the organic area and into the stone or leather sections but keeping its ConsumeType entry and see if that works.

Chiko wrote
Also, is it possible to add more than 1 effect in a single material? I made the mustard gas less deadly but I want to add that fear effect I saw somewhere in another material.
Simply separate the effects via a "|" like this:
    EffectStrength = 5;
Some effects require an effect strength entry, others do not. It shouldn't do any harm to keep it there anyway.
It seems this method doesn't quite work, although it won't cause the game to crash. Odd.
In that case, you'd have to make a new EFFECT which would involve more source code modding...

While messing with the gas grenade entry, I changed the effect to be the same as Pea Soup. The result? Anyone who breathes in the gas farts uncontrollably until it wears off.
What have I done.

They're still farting! You can even draw with the fart clouds!

IVAN characters now self-propelling, complete with contrails!
Please, please guys we HAVE to have this effect added in to our development. HAVE TO!
Posted by 4zb4, Nov 27, 2013 at 6:18 pm
Warheck wrote
I tested it out in New Attnam in combination with mustard gas and you can clear out Richel Decos pretty smartly.

I dunno if you noticed since it's (holy crap) 4 years old now, but I made a guide specifically for mustard gassing your way to victory.

Mustard gas doesn't trigger hostility, and therefore is broken as hell
Unfortunately the guide is only applicable as far as non-randomgen rooms go. Which means it's also useful for raiding dungeon shops of course.
Posted by 4zb4, Nov 27, 2013 at 1:21 am
Chiko wrote
Sounds interesting. The only way I can imagine doing that with scripting would be by changing the ingame name and color to the same. They would still stack in their respective type, though. Unless there's a way to make them all one single grenade with all the effects chosen at random when detonates or something.

I don't quite remember what determines whether an item tells you its contents, but what I can do is this:
  DefaultSize = 15;
  Category = MISC;
  BitmapPos = 110, 32;
  DefaultMainVolume = 50;
  NameSingular = "smoke grenade";
  FormModifier = 15;
  AttachedGod = CRUENTUS;
  Possibility = 75;
  Price = 50;
  MainMaterialConfig == TIN;
  SecondaryMaterialConfig = { 4, WHITE_SMOKE, NERVE_GAS, TEAR_GAS, VODKA_VAPOR; }
  MaterialConfigChances = { 4, 50, 10, 1, 10; }
  Adjective = "unlabelled"  
  Alias == "smoke grenade";
And have all those gas materials mentioned share the same colour (white). All I need to do is track down what allows an item to advertise its secondary material and get rid of it. Like how bananas are containers but do not advertise the fact they are filled with banana flesh.

Chiko wrote
What is the difference between them? Also, where can I find attack effects? They don't seem to be in Char or Define.
You probably already found EFFECT_KOBOLD_FLESH under material.dat, and that's all you're going to be able to use so far as just script editing goes.
Floating eye's special effect can only be found in the source code:
int floatingeye::TakeHit(character* Enemy, item* Weapon, bodypart* EnemyBodyPart, v2 HitPos, double Damage, double ToHitValue, int Success, int Type, int Direction, truth Critical, truth ForceHit)
  if(CanBeSeenBy(Enemy) && Enemy->HasEyes() && RAND() % 3 && Enemy->LoseConsciousness(150 + RAND_N(150))) /* Changes for fainting 2 out of 3 */
      Enemy->EditExperience(WISDOM, 75, 1 << 13);

    return HAS_FAILED;
    return nonhumanoid::TakeHit(Enemy, Weapon, EnemyBodyPart, HitPos, Damage, ToHitValue, Success, Type, Direction, Critical, ForceHit);
Also notice you can apply this to any enemy's attack if you want. Floating eye only triggers it upon taking a hit, but if you wanted to be an arse you could make an enemy that does it after every attack.
Posted by 4zb4, Nov 26, 2013 at 10:56 pm
I like it!
I had an idea a while back to have the dwarven gas grenades not tell you what was inside them, or instead have "smoke grenades" which were filled with different types of smoke with different effects (or no effect!) but you wouldn't be able to tell until you threw them - even the colour of the smoke would be the same so you couldn't tell just by looking at it either.

This too would be easily implemented with nothing but script editing.
Posted by 4zb4, Nov 24, 2013 at 9:38 pm
BiteCapturesBodyPart means that if the character reduces an enemy's limb HP to zero, it will tear the limb off and drop it on the ground at its feet.
This takes any equipment on said limb with it, making it far worse than simply losing the use of an arm - you'll both be losing equipment AND have to regrow or reattach the limb to get back to full fighting-fit state.
Posted by 4zb4, Nov 24, 2013 at 6:33 pm
Chiko wrote
I have to make it a new item, right? I tried but the game doesn't allow it. I thought I had to add it in the define.dat but that doesn't seem to be the case when creating a new item, only with stuff added via Config in the item.dat file.
You shouldn't have to. Assuming you've added cheese loaves under "loaf CONFIG CHEESE" for example, you can just add a line in under that to reference a different sprite position on item.pcx:
  Config CHEESE;
    BitmapPos = X, Y;

Chiko wrote
Well, this is mostly for limb upgrade, since they have the advantage of healing with time. I had no idea changing limbs to another flesh material won't change stats. Is there a way to make it so it does effect stats or it just cannot be done?
The only way would be to remove the IS_ALIVE tag from a particular flesh entry. However, this would mean any monster with that flesh type would be unable to gain stats and would lose them through damage to limbs.
What's interesting is you can put the "CAN_REGENERATE" tag on any material you want, making it possible for, say, golems (and artificial limbs) of that material to regenerate HP if you had some ENORMOUS LAPSE IN JUDGEMENT.

About vampires: should be easy enough to allow for transmission - we could just copy over what Lycanthropy uses so you have a chance of catching it if you get bitten.
We could also be really lazy and just straight up copy Lycanthropy and have Vampire as the monster you polymorph into which has huge skill in Bite and Neerc-se Ulb code attached as suggested - the difference being that a Vampire would be a humanoid able to use equipment. With large enough bite skill, the game should default to biting in unarmed combat but I'll have to test that.
"You suddenly feel quite anemic"

Prioritising biting can be done in the script after all. Just put " AttackStyle = USE_HEAD;" under a character's entry.
To test biting I had these lines put in under playerkind:
  KnownCWeaponSkills = { 1, BITE; }
  CWeaponSkillHits = { 1, 20000; }
  BiteCapturesBodyPart = true;
  BaseBiteStrength = 100;
  AttackStyle = USE_HEAD;
Which should work perfectly fine for a Vampire if we're going to use the "polymorph into vampire" version of vampirism I mentioned above rather than having it as a passive status effect. Perhaps have CONFIG VAMP under playerkind in an attempt to have the player's stats carry over, except now with added bitey lines above?
Note a base bite strength of 100 is not very strong at all - it's half that of a Bat, Ostrich or Dolphin, and one third that of a carnivorous plant. Default bite strength is calculated as your base unarmed strength divided by two.
Posted by 4zb4, Nov 24, 2013 at 1:20 am

-Golems can use equipment now. (I've found some of them carrying weapons so this makes them more dangerous/useful)
Given that golems can have insanely large stats, this could be HORRIBLE if they pick up the right equipment! I kinda like the idea though, although things like Valpurium golems or that one spider silk one are going to be nigh-unbeatable if they pick up the right stuff...

-More canned food. Kiwi, Pineaple, Carrot, Pork and Beef.
Don't see why not.

-Cheese is a new food available in lumps and loaves. (Never seen a loaf of cheese before but I have no idea how to add new items)
You could make a new sprite for it and just have the cheese loaf be a cheese wheel.

-Food items generally take longer to rot. (Makes the game easier but food rots way too fast, IMO)
Food rotting makes canned food that much more valuable. Being forced to eat things you might not normally adds something to the game, imo.

-Cloth and Leather materials have their own upgrade tree. (They go thru their upgrade tree but eventually upgrade to the same last material upgrade)
-Cloth, Leather and Metal materials have different stats and reqs. (I'm trying to make them more unique and difference from each other more noticeably)
How exactly are you doing this? Like, is cloth now the lowest protection, highest freedom-of-movement upgrade path with metal at the top and leather in the middle?

-Torso Armor and Cloaks have a chance to spawn with weaker materials. (Will add the rest of the armor pieces, eventually)
Interesting, there's not much out there weaker than leather or cloth so what are these? Have you also considered wood materials?

-Added more aliases for some items to make it easier to wish. (I'm also thinking about adding some misleading aliases to get wishes wrong)
Useful. I hope you covered "armor" being confused with "Armor of Great Health"?

-Some flesh materials are stronger and can be hardened with scrolls. (Human flesh not included)
Interesting, although I don't see this being much use. You'd have to change an item's material to flesh first if you were to take advantage of this, but flesh rots pretty fast and you'd probably be better off changing material to something better. Might be good for golems though.
Also note that if you change one of your limbs to a different type of flesh it does not boost your stats based on its attributes.

-Removed the chances of parasites in Pork and  Beef.
Why, may I ask? These are raw loafs of meat just sitting on the dungeon floor, after all...

-Rat, Dog, Jackal, Goblin and Orc flesh might contain parasites.

Mostly some nice changes but I don't think it's very balanced over all in my opinion. Script modding is fun, and there's a LOT of stuff you can add to the game without touching the code - even NPCs, dungeons and new weapons and items.
So don't be afraid to have a little fun with it, but balance is going to be a big issue.

Posted by 4zb4, Nov 23, 2013 at 6:13 pm
We already have the "talents" which allow your character to be better at (or worse at) developing certain stats. They can be found on the wiki over here.

I do like some of your ideas here though - knowing a single god at the start (probably Silva to stay in lore) would be neat, but I'm not sure we should restrict food types depending on status.
Instead, perhaps you would just vomit profusely if you ate something you weren't meant to? Vegan vomits up meat, werewolf vomits up fruit, Vampire just straight can't eat anything... but if we're going to have him live off only blood we're going to have to modify code to allow dipping of bottles in corpses for blood or having him be able to bite by default in order to gain nourishment, which might be a big pain to code.

The ability to eat bones when inflicted with lycanthropy will be very useful indeed.
Posted by 4zb4, Nov 22, 2013 at 5:51 pm
If I wanted to be shitty about it, it probably wouldn't be too hard to make each corpse a container, and have you (o)pen the corpse to harvest meat. In the same way, you could dip(!) into a corpse container which was filled with the relevant blood.

I'll have a look at the source later and see what it is exactly that lets you dip things. If it's just a tag (CAN_DIP) then it might be easy enough to just apply to anything and experiment.
Posted by 4zb4, Nov 21, 2013 at 4:55 am
Origins of the Flamethrower and Sling graphics, line 2462 onward:
Leader has already formed alliances with several local Finno-Ugric native
tribes and gathered an army of many hundred men armed with state-of-the-art
sticks and stones, ready to take back Kreml at any moment.
However, some slight additional power could still prove handy.
This is where Ivan comes in the picture.
Leader taken over a small nearby oil deposit and want to use the liquid as
flame thrower fuel.
Ivan build a prototype for leader troops and put it in item.pcx.
To make victory absolutely certain, Ivan also add sling as a backup ranged
Ivan ready in four days.

And here's some very interesting information on weapon types and their damage values,
Line 2523 onward:
Ivan perform damage with jolliness:

Point increases chance of critical hit by +50%
Cut and blunt damage simultaneous
Long weakens against small enemies and improves against large, short 
works inversely


Spear             P8 C0 B2 | A8 D1 Blo6 | long, 2hand, throw
Quarterstaff      P3 C0 B2 | A6 D1 Blo6 | long, 2hand
Bastard sword     P4 C6 B4 | A4 D7 Blo5 |
Short sword       P6 C4 B2 | A6 D8 Blo7 | short, 1hand
Longsword         P6 C5 B2 | A7 D6 Blo8 | 1hand
2-handed sword    P1 C7 B7 | A4 D6 Blo6 | long, 2hand
Axe               P0 C6 B5 | A2 D4 Blo4 |
Battle-axe        P0 C7 B6 | A4 D6 Blo5 |
Halberd           P7 C8 B8 | A4 D4 Blo5 | long, 2hand
Poleaxe           P0 C8 B8 | A4 D4 Blo4 | long, 2hand
Mace              P0 C0 B6 | A4 D4 Blo5 |
Dagger            P6 C2 B0 | A8 D2 Blo1 | short, 1hand
As Chaostrom has mentioned to me, these values might not have been actually implemented and rather were just an idea. There isn't any other information around that section of dialog.txt to confirm or deny this.

"Origins" of the atomic bomb (actually a "thaumic bomb") graphic and dwarven gas grenades, line 2910 onward:
After a rather exciting round of Twister Leader ask if they could invest a
bit to Leader plan of retaliation against Goldstein.
Osama scratch his masculine beard and say perhaps he indeed can fund Party
with $100 million.
It gift between friends so he want nothing in return.
But 60 megaton Tsar Bomba or two would naturally make money appear sooner in
Leader Swiss account.
Unfortunately all these in enemy hands now.
Leader recall Ivan unemployed so he have time to arrange one.
Ivan just infiltrate the appropriate nuclear facility and smuggle bomb to
To identify the toy, Leader provide crypted description at

under the codename 'thaumic bomb'.
As additional recreational task Ivan design gas grenade in same file.
This can be loaded with eg. sleeping, mustard or tear gas.
Ivan has one week to fulfill duties.
Then Leader has next strategic meeting with his muslim allies and their
harems and Leader want to suprise all with some laughing gas grenades to
provide proper mood for negotiations.

Also on gas grenades: you were meant to be able to fill them up yourself.
Line 3010 onward:
A note on gas grenades: Ivan make deflated and inflated graphic versions 
of the device, so that user can pick desired gas type from the filling 
station himself.

Ivan had a grand (and likely impossible) idea to allow team formations.
Line 3078 onward:
Team Formations:
Teams members can be arranged to formations. A dialog window opens, and
in the window there is a matrix in which you can pick team members from
a list and place them on it.

Example: (j and x are some monsters, @ is player)

| | | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | | | |
| | | |x|j|x| | | | | |
| | |x|j|@|j|x| | | | |
| | | |x|j|x| | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | | | |

Team members will attempt to create the formation whenever the enviroment
permits it. This means they will also attempt to copy players movements.
Formation can be set to modes Strict (members try to stick in formation
no matter what) or Loose (members will help each other in combat etc.).
Perhaps the function would also require a certain INT from the members,
otherwise it could not be performed. It might also require a certain INT
from the player, and maybe higher INT would increase the maximum allowed
size of the matrix?
On the side of the dialog window there could be following buttons:
Rotate formation 90 degrees to left
Rotate formation 90 degrees to right
Mirror formation (left/right)
Flip formation (up/down)
The function would be of importance, because having and controlling a team
is essential in the harder levels of the game.
Perhaps there could also be an Allow team rotation -switch, which, if set,
would allow the team to try to adjust to the environment by rotating,
mirroring or flipping itself.

And finally, a description of a planned monster known as a "Groke"
Line 3408 onward:
A frightful monster has been pestering our village recently.
It appears from the mountains, freezes everything it touches, extinguishes
all fires by sitting on them, and according to legends is bound to the name
I will quote its description from an ancient text:

'On tienoo äkkiä niin hiljainen ja musta ja mörkö niin kuin vuori tuijottaa,
ja jäinen maa on täynnä kammotusta, kun kuustakin pois värit putoaa. Ja
Nyyti sanoi: helppoa ei tule olemaan!'

Slay the beast, skin and stuff it and bring its body to character.pcx!"
Leader sighs and whispers something briefly to Ivan.
Ivan opens his backpack, takes his AK-47, rocket launcher, flame thrower,
grenade collection, gas mask, armour, etc. etc. out of it.
Swiftly he equips everything and strides to the door.
Before disappearing in the refreshing Himalayan outdoor air he turns and
states his grave farewell:
"Ivan ready to hunt."
Google translated as:
There is a junction suddenly so quiet and the black bogeyman, and then stare at the mountain,
and the icy earth is full of kammotusta when kuustakin off the colors of fall. and
Nyyti said, is not going to be easy

I'm going to assume the Groke is one of these two things in char.pcx that are present in the CVS version but not 0.50:
Right, so Google revealed to me that it's the thing on the left from Moomin fame. No idea what the thing on the right is.

It's worth noting that both the Groke and the Hattifatteners are from Moomin, which is made by a Swedish-Finn author, and that the original IVAN devs were Finnish, so these were likely put in as homages to their Finnish heritage. Well, apart from the fact that they make for good and varied monsters. That too.

That's the last entry before something uninteresting concerning colours at the end of the document, dated 12 April 2005.